Wigan Floor this floor was dropped into the cellar below all the joists had rotted. we used a new beam & block floor and screeded with Tilcon fibre screed. cleaned the thousands of tiles and re-fitted them.

Wigan Floor this floor was dropped into the cellar below all the joists had rotted. we used a new beam & block floor and screeded with Tilcon fibre screed. cleaned the thousands of tiles and re-fitted them. | Tiling Advice | TilersForums.com | Images & Downloads - TilersForums.com

  • Tenchman
Is this restored floor? brilliant.
The top pic is the floor restored, bottom pic is how we first saw it we dropped the whole floor and then laid new concrete beam & block floor( you can see the floor was badly damaged = all joists had dry rot ) new Tilcon screed with fibre-glass was laid over the beam & block then the thousands of 2"x2" tiles that we rescued from the drop into the cellar had to be cleaned = edges & backs of mortar before being re-laid as in top pic.
I have done around 150 like that not showing all of them as most are not different enough to bother with.
The glasgow job in my other album was a hard contract i have dozens of pics of that it was a tough job.


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