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  1. Andy Rhodes

    Montolit Opinions on Montolit Master Puma 75P3 wanted please.

    I have noticed that the majority of you gents/ladies use Sigma the odd person is still with Rubi. I'd like peoples views on the Montolit 75P3 MasterPiuma Manual Tile Cutter as I'm thinking of upgrading my manual cutter which at present is the old type TS60 Rubi .One of my former learners...
  2. Andy Rhodes

    Need advise on which backer board works best

    I've used Hardie backer for a number of years now & even though I've never had any come backs from it ,it's a mess process when cutting, So I know I've mentioned Delta board previously was curious to get anybodies thought on this or another product similar please Thank you



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