That doesn't put you in box... Ever wondered why your website shows up in Google in the first page on your pc but not on others? And ever wondered why different people get different results for the same search terms?
This explains it in a simple cartoon style format, and offers you the option of a beautifully simple unbiased search engine, too, I really like it, and am happy to use it alongside google. You can change the setting to give more onus to Great Britain rather than the
USA, and other options, too.
Escape your search engine Filter Bubble!
G I agree Google is becoming somewhat a pain in the arse with it's 'new and improved' search results but the fact remains it is still the largest search engine for now. I'm guessing you've become pee'd off because you can't check your own SEO search terms, even when 'logging out' it still shows biased results. But have you tried the
tag after your search?
This is a search term that returns results as if you were a complete new fresh user (i.e. one of your customers) take this search term and copy 'n' paste into your browser it returns 'organic' results as if you'd never serched for that tern before, or shared a link via google+ etc.... Have a look at the url i've just posted and you can easily break it down.
here are the parts:
clearly the Google
search query equals
this is the bit you would normally enter into the search bar in google, but the URL for this adds the '+' sign inbetween to ensure you get all of the keywords
This last bit of code tells google to ignore all prefrences of the user and return search results as it would do if it was the first time a user searched for that term
So by changing the middle part of the URL i.e.
to what ever you want... lets say
that would give us the unbiased results for 'Tilers in Durham'
tilers durham - Google Search which we see some dodgy tiler named Dave Howe is killing it at number one.
Make sense???? I hope
looks good has anybody heard of local link up i have been chatting to a bloke from there about getting on the first page of google for about 100 keywords its no contract but 25 quid a month which i can cancel at any time if im not happy hes ringing back tonight with payment details etc and has even said he will rebuild my site professionally for nowt sounds too good to be true and you know the old saying
To be fair I don't mind local link up half as much as i do with the rest of them but I would strongly advise you to tell them to jog on! it's a waste of money. If you have £25 to spend a month on a site and SEO then I would strongly advise you to get in touch with Dan to point you in the right direction. If fact ask Mosaic Girl above what it's done for her site and you won't go far wrong. Local link up or any of these people that ring you up touting for business are not 'Real' SEO firms but doing minmal amouts of work for maximum return. Much better going to a 'local' specialist who will listen and understand your business rather than somebody who plays the numbers game