any blood donors

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Diamond Pool Finishers

ill be giving my usal pint of the red stuff, on monday, iv'e been doing it for years, every little HELPS any others!!!:thumbsup:
I have tried to give blood on several occasions but they only come any where near our home once in a blue moon and I been out of the area at the right (or wrong)time. I got an organ donor card ..... will that do. I trying to find a funeral director who will work on the basis of weight cos as far as I am concrerned they can use any bits of me that might be of use once I gone. radical diet though eh!
Used to but have deep veins and finished up with a black and blue after they had to have several stabs. Can't now because of medication.
I used to but am not able to now as i need to take drugs for the rest of my life!!
I used to, and still would if the blood van came nearer to our house. Last tiime I gave blood the old nurse tried sticking a plaster on a freckle in the crook of my elbow,(she thought it was the needle puncture mark!:yikes🙂
Nope, tried it once and blacked out, not because of fear but because my bloodpressure is really low anyhow and the doc said don't do it, you can't afford to. Now on thyroxine anyhow. But what I really like in Germany that people have the option to give their own blood that is then saved for themselves prior to operations etc, so there is no conflict of bloodchemistry and some people just feel easier about it.

I was witness once to quite a heated discussion, that taking blood or organs is akin to cannibalism, and you know I could not take part in it, I was stunned by the concept and I still don't know what to make of that at all! Any opinions about it? It keeps churning over in my brain....
its only cannibalism mg if they eat it :lol:

i used to give regularily and even got a little enamal badge

but got stopped after i was diagnosed as diabetic........something to do with the medication im on


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