If you want to check if your new or updated pages on your websites have been indexed by google, meaning they can come up in searches, go into the google search bar and type site:(followed by your website address) and the results will show you the number and which pages are indexed.
Very impressive numbers for tilersforums, just type in site:www.tilersforums.com and have a look! :lol: quite different to my nevertheless pleasing 19 :lol:
ALSO, and this is great, if you go to Alexa the Web Information Company, the web information site, you can find out about your ranking and all sorts of statistics, even going back in time to earlier times, to see how the website looked then, and again looking at tilersforums, WOW!!! Please go ahead and find out for yourself, you can see how incredibly well it ranks, ANYTHING under 100 000 within the UK is hugely impressive and Dan has managed to get it down to 20784!!! :hurray:, my site, by comparison, (but it is very new and titsy tiny in the great scheme of things), is around the 8 million mark, but hey, I'm there!
Ranking does matter.. more than size :smilewinkgrin:
Very impressive numbers for tilersforums, just type in site:www.tilersforums.com and have a look! :lol: quite different to my nevertheless pleasing 19 :lol:
ALSO, and this is great, if you go to Alexa the Web Information Company, the web information site, you can find out about your ranking and all sorts of statistics, even going back in time to earlier times, to see how the website looked then, and again looking at tilersforums, WOW!!! Please go ahead and find out for yourself, you can see how incredibly well it ranks, ANYTHING under 100 000 within the UK is hugely impressive and Dan has managed to get it down to 20784!!! :hurray:, my site, by comparison, (but it is very new and titsy tiny in the great scheme of things), is around the 8 million mark, but hey, I'm there!
Ranking does matter.. more than size :smilewinkgrin: