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Rich Midge

I'm currently working with a herniated disc and it's horrible. It's painful, I'm working at half pace and driving the van or just being a passenger in our car sends my left leg numb. I'm due to be reassessed in 2 weeks but am seeing improvements. Given the option I'd have taken surgery months back. Hope you can remedy your back soon @james hailwood, have real sympathy for you.

james hailwood

I'm currently working with a herniated disc and it's horrible. It's painful, I'm working at half pace and driving the van or just being a passenger in our car sends my left leg numb. I'm due to be reassessed in 2 weeks but am seeing improvements. Given the option I'd have taken surgery months back. Hope you can remedy your back soon @james hailwood, have real sympathy for you.
Cheers rich, had the chiro out this morning which has helped a bit. Gonna continue with him for a bit. Nothing worse than disc pain. He said to start working smart n less gung ho carrying big heavy tools, tiles etc. Need to be smashing core more too. Plank n side plank is great plus foam rolling hips n IT band daily

Kyle Knowles

Anyone got any ideas,help,tips for preventing back pain? Ive had surgery 3 years ago on my L4/L5 herniated disc and has been pretty stable since, but this last week my back has gone again. Its a real disability im sure some of you understand when not being able to move freely. I wear a compression belt at work everyday. Heads up my arse tbh!!
Look.up the reverse hyper by a man called Louis Simmons he's a lunatic powerlifting coach he knows his stuff also look up.joe rogan on YouTube he suffered with serious back issues and his podcasts could teach u a fair bit

james hailwood

Look.up the reverse hyper by a man called Louis Simmons he's a lunatic powerlifting coach he knows his stuff also look up.joe rogan on YouTube he suffered with serious back issues and his podcasts could teach u a fair bit
Just checked out the reverse hyper on JRE looks spot on, ive turned my dinner table into one haha cheers dude

One Day

It's true that core strength really helps prevent back injury.
While that reverse hyper looks good - I doubt it'll do much for core muscles though, and I'd warn against attempting it with a bad back.
Core strength is from your hip flexors and obliques, as well as many other internal muscles, which instead of working to lift, twist and move you are there to PREVENT movement which could damage.
Read up on hip flexors - I'm convinced it's these that protect our backs far more than ripped 8 packs and strong lower back muscles.

On one

Not sure if this will help in your case @james hailwood.......
From the age of 18-35 I had chronic back pain that nothing seemed to help, not physio, not painkillers, not even a horse chiropractor(yes they do exist!)
But after another painful episode that had me doubled up, I went to an ex NHS doctor who practiced privately doing manipulation ect ect.
I could immediately see why he was an ex NHS doctor.......shocking bedside manners!
For 18 of the 20 minute appointment he would preach this and that, ie sit up straight(FFS I have a bad back)
The other 2 gems he came up with were........Don't have bath! and in the middle of the night get up and have a walk about!. Now at this stage if I could have hit, if I didn't have a bad back!
What he meant was to have a shower rather than a bath, so I duly fitted an electric shower over the bath and despite it taking a number of years to come to fruition, touch wood I am (back) pain free.
The thinking being that the warm water manipulates your unsupported spine into an unnatural position when you have a bath.
I drew the line at his suggestion No2

One Day


Guess who will have the strongest back?!

area tiling

Know how you feel , I've been off work since Xmas eve , with what can only be described as someone shocking me with an electric fence or ripping something of my leg everytime I try to bend over , or get in or out of a car ! Pain in the hips and down the back of hamstring area ! Tried allsorts of painkillers, physio , acupuncture and now dry needling! Nothing's working and waiting for scans is a nightmare, can't see the end of this anytime soon !

John Benton

Know how you feel , I've been off work since Xmas eve , with what can only be described as someone shocking me with an electric fence or ripping something of my leg everytime I try to bend over , or get in or out of a car ! Pain in the hips and down the back of hamstring area ! Tried allsorts of painkillers, physio , acupuncture and now dry needling! Nothing's working and waiting for scans is a nightmare, can't see the end of this anytime soon !

Exactly what I've had, twice, thought it was sciatica, but it's a bulging disc L1, in the base of my spine, exercises from physio sorted it out bit took a couple of months, really wary of over stretching now and I mix smaller tubs of adhesive now so I'm not pulling to one side as much

james hailwood

Ive been using a chiropractor 3x this last week. I had an MRI Wednesday which said I had a herniated disc, I seen him the afternoon n had a little spliff in the evening (dont smoke usually) slept through all night without waking up n woke up for work with no pain at all. Pretty crazy as couple of weeks ago I felt near suicidal with it all lol. Im not saying ganja is good for ya at all but it does help a lot of people in constant pain like MS, fibromyalgia and even cancer.

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