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Sir Ramic will love this thread. He can't stand Christmas.

Bless you lot. lol

Hmmm well i guess I do come across like that but in truth I find it all too depressing these days. I will have a few hours with my kids (Well not so much kids these days) and then back to normality for me. Not having much family left I dont have too many options. Yes I have friends who I will see over the xmas period but most of my friends feel pretty much the same, Its good to get together though.
About 3 years ago I gave my xmas day to help others, Thinking that it would make me feel better but all it did was make it worse. Every year I wonder if my next xmas I will see it a different way.
So while I still remember xmas as a child with great fondness thats were it stays for me. Xmas is for family and your kids/grand kids etc....of course I could go on and say why should I care at all as I am an agnostic ? But thats another debate.
One thing though, I do sincerely wish you a happy xmas in which ever way you choose to take it.

Alan M

went xmas shopping today. total nightmare.
i drove over an hour to buy the same stuff i could have bought in the local town.
parking was a nightmare
people everywhere
groups of kids signing and begging for money
bloody anoying musics blaring in your ear all day. heard the bloody x factor winners song 5 times back to back.

expensive time of the year. i hate that part.

my uncle told me a good one about a present his wifes family gave to her brother years ago.
he was really into space stuff and wanted something spacy for x mas.
they were poor so coulnt afford such luguaries. their father got a wooden box and wired up a red tight buld inside adn put a bit of a red brick in above it . the light came out under the brick adn made it glow . he told the son that it was a space rock and had to be kept cool every time you opened the box or it would explode. the light was too bright to see what was going on inside clearly and the son bought it.
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