Discuss Bathroom Coomb in the Bathroom Tiling Advice area at TilersForums.com.

Well started tiling a bathroom today ,customer wanted tiling down from a comb ceiling which was fine but it became one of those nightmare jobs when i put my level to the comb and it was like a rollercoaster up and down and way off level so instead of placing the trim in the comb and following the wavy ceiling i placed it just under but level as i thought if i was to follow the comb by the time i hit the vanity unit(which is level) it would be really obvious that the tiles sitting just above it were unlevel and didnt think it would look good but now obviously the trim is 1mm under the comb on the right as u look at the wall and about 5mm on the left.

Took ages to sort it out and set out the room and feel like ive acheived nothing today:mad2:!!

Did i do the right thing?? Pics Attached:huh2:


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you definately done the right thing..i always check if the walls etc ceilings are running off ,,the only thing that matters is that your tiles are set level from the start even although the gap is bigger at one end you can see the tiles are level,,if you had followed the wonky ceiling line your tiling would have been messy to say the least,people can see from your pic that its the combed ceiling thats running all over the shop whilst your tiles hold straight lines,,nice one:thumbsup:

one further thing to check though,,say you had 2 combed ceiling sides always check where your trim is going to be at the top of your tiles that the wonky rollercoaster ceiling line isnt going to drop on the other wall and hit your tile datum line so to speak.

had a similar job last week,,a bethroom with 2 combed ceilings which were terribley off,plus had to drop a cut into a boxed in bath whilst makin sure i had a good sized tile running behind the sink etc,,if you dont take your time planning it out like you did today youll end up wishing you had.
Re: Bathroom Comb

Sorry i never made my self clear theres only one comb ceiling above the vanity but thats good to hear i thought it was the correct thing to do,:grin:.

See how i have mosaics above well there 6mm thick and the white tiles are 9mm is the correct way to get both tile types level to put a thicker bed on for the mosaics and use a 6mm notched for the larger tiles?? I used my gauge trowel to put a smooth thick bed then using a float bedded the mosaics in the as i said used a 6 v notch for the large.
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Any thoughts on how to trim this area as im not sure of how many different trims are out there?

The same tile layout as in above pics but the narrow return is to be fully tiled floor to ceiling but cant figure out the best that will allow the 2 external corners to be trimmed without having the trim stick out on the half tiled wall above the mosaics , is that clear what i mean??:stupid:


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Whats the reason for not trimming is it just the individuals prefrence or is there another reason?

When should trim be used?

If you trim then you have a definate line which shows up the iregular line above. If you just grout the top and run a finger over it when its painted then it looks tidyer in my opinion but as you see every one is different.

On the last question I would try and talk them out of it as its a problem which wont look good. If you must go ahead then trim the end 4" flat trimmed either side and put a small angle to cover where both meet. Or trim both there is no answer to this one I dont think unless anyone else has imput or a trick.


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Any thoughts on how to trim this area as im not sure of how many different trims are out there?
The same tile layout as in above pics but the narrow return is to be fully tiled floor to ceiling but cant figure out the best that will allow the 2 external corners to be trimmed without having the trim stick out on the half tiled wall above the mosaics , is that clear what i mean??:stupid:
If you tile the narrow return up to where the border will stop,
then tile the wall that is to be tiles halfway up, triming it just as normal with all of the trim on that wall up to border height,
then continue up the narrow returm to ceiling height, with the rest of that trimmed on the return side, from above the border only,
then tile and trim the other full side as normal, with trim on that side floor to ceiling

dunno if that helps any.


I think i see what u mean, but where the two tiled walls meet on the corner (red line on the pic) am i correct in thinkin the trim will stick out a bit compaired to the trim above it (yellow line)??

I thought about continuing the mosaic up the wall but dont know if it will look any good?
Red lines are trims on the wall that is half tiled
Orange lines are on the wall on the opposite side, which I presume is fully tiled?
Yellow is trim on the small 4" return.

the red (line)trim would only need to stick out the depth of the tile on the return.
So if the tile on the return was cut to 100mm upto the border, it would be 91mm above the border, with your 9mm trim making up the difference.


Think i see what ur saying but would that not mean that the trim on the 100mm tiled area of the return would be sticking out the compaired to the 91mm trim above it?
If im getting u right mate??
the trim on the 100mm part, is on the other side of the wall.
There is a step, but there has to be, even if it was done without trim, there would still be one.
If you use an external corner piece, it will look even neater I suppose.

Excuse my lack of PC artwork skills:lol:
Where the red and yellow meet on the return, you will see a step.
But what else can you do when you are only tiling halfway up the wall?
LOL Cheers Drew i now see exactly what u mean.

Your idea sounds like the best option.

My only other line of thought was to contine the mosaic verticly once it hit the return then use a full strip of trim and have no mosaic border on the trim but dont know if it would look any good??


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LOL Cheers Drew i now see exactly what u mean.
My only other line of thought was to contine the mosaic verticly once it hit the return then use a full strip of trim and have no mosaic border on the trim but dont know if it would look any good??
That would look fine, but you'd still have the same problem of a step at one side.

Just seen your pic, no sure if that would lok good mate, I thought you meant fully tile the return with mosiac.

You'd be better continuing the field tile up that wall, than just the brder up the edge of it, IMO.
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