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website without any shadow of a doubt.

If I had to choose just one form of advertising that would be it. Even over the sign written van. Pound for pound a decent website, well optimised, will knock anything else for six.

My website has cost me very little in hard cold cash but maybe 200 hundreds of hours of my time (and that includes learning how to build a website in the first place!). Knowing what I know now I would have no hesitation in spending £5k plus on a good website and still think it was cheap, it brings in that much business.


Most of my work comes from Tile Shops and I know this is "recommendations" but my local outlets are more than happy to recommend me over "other" tilers because I have proven that I deliver quality and I am reliable (I turn up when I say I will).

My secondary sources of work come from a classified ad in the local (paid) newspaper and my sign written van. I believe that the classified and van act more as PR rather than lead generation though. Clients see my van around and see my name in the local paper so know that I am still trading which gives them the confidence to use or recommend me.

I realise that my comments are recurring and contradictory to Neales request so my apologies, but that is the way it is.


Sean Kelly

I put 'Other'. 'Other' being networking. Going into tile shops, talking to the owners etc. There will always be a time when one of their tilers will let them down, or they have so much work on that they have to give me a call. You have to keep popping in too, even just to buy a tube of sealant (even though I don't need it!). This is followed by 'Business Cards'. You always have to carry a few. They only cost pennies, but could make you £thousands. Cheers Sean

Sam Gouche

What has been your most profitable form of advertising.Pound for pound, what do you think works best....Now before anyone says "Word of mouth" That is not what I am asking.
If you had to pay for some form of advertising to get yourself recognised, what would it be ?
Poll added

Word of mouth is by far the best....not the quickest but it's a very good seal of approval.
offering "free" products services always peaks interest but nothing ground breaking.


Sorry but number one has always been word of mouth, reputation is everything, plus keeping the staff in shops stocked up with sweets and biscuits!
Then it's business cards, i've had loads printed, and now can hand them out to anyone that asks, plus i always pop a few with any invoices i send out.
I have a website, but so far i've had nothing off it, i probably needs optimising, but the last few weeks the phone has been red hot, and i can't cope with what i have.


At the minute in terms of cold calls with no contacts it would be from business cards left in shops etc. £50 for 1000 best quality glossy cards and probably get a job from every 50-100 so a very economical way to get leads providing you have a professional looking card. Going to get the van sign written over the summer too, for more of a presence than anything else.

Set a website up in January but it's not optimised properly so ranking quite low, same as Google Places, haven't got myself up as the first name on it. Something I've always been meaning to look into but never really got the time to read up on it fully. Would happily pay someone a few quid if they could put me at the top of Google search and Google Places.

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