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Just something I've been thinking about seeing as its what I'm doing at the moment. I'm tiling a bathroom with 600x200tiles with a mosaic border (same thickness as tiles)all around the room. What I'm wanting to know is what method do you use to put border in. What I've always done is tile up to border, tile border in and continue up above it on same day or next day. What got me thinking about this is I remember when was on a job and seen someone leave border out and install the border last. I never got chatting to the guy who was tiling this way but wondering is there many on here who do this method and if so, is it quicker? Thinking about it here I'm thinking maybe it is because my method of tiling there's some fiddling about with spacers,wedges etc.. To keep the next tile above them level seeing there's a slight difference in height of the mosaic border.

White Room

I do it this way Work Picture 014.jpg


Whitebeam, can I ask you why you didn't cut just over a half of tile each to fit in that wall that sticks out instead of leaving the small cut in left hand side. I'm not being critical of your work, its just I'd have made the grout line in center of wall rather than over to the side in such a small wall. Was it just so you'd get the visual effect of a full tile ?


He has done it for full tile, more or less full tile into righthand wall, so full tile next onto nib, then cut, then off cut onto left hand wall, so when you look straight on it looks like 3 full tiles [emoji106] if u get what i mean [emoji15]

Yeah I understand, I do this with brick effect but not with way he's set out because I dislike the small cuts in corners thou sometimes it can't be helped like the bathroom I'm doing at the moment with vertically 200x600 tiles and a shower wall sticking out left me with cuts of 70mm on one wall :(

White Room

Yeah I understand, I do this with brick effect but not with way he's set out because I dislike the small cuts in corners thou sometimes it can't be helped like the bathroom I'm doing at the moment with vertically 200x600 tiles and a shower wall sticking out left me with cuts of 70mm on one wall :(

I did do a centre line, tiled upto where the mosaic were going and the women of the house did'nt like it that way.
Arrived the next day and her boyfriend had removed the tiles, what you see is how she prefered it.:annoyed:



I did do a centre line, tiled upto where the mosaic were going and the women of the house did'nt like it that way.
Arrived the next day and her boyfriend had removed the tiles, what you see is how she prefered it.:annoyed:

WB I wasn't slating your work, I'd say your a better tiler than myself seeing as your in this game a lot linger than me. Just wanted to clear that up.

As for the customer wanting it changed, I know how ya feel. I've to go back and fix a job the customer wanted. She wanted window cill kept in and no tiles in reveal so I tiled as she wanted. Got a msg from her son week later asking can I come back and tile the cill and reveal. They didnt know how much work is involved as they think its just a matter of putting new tiles on as is. Now I've to take off all tiles around window reveal and cill and do again. Hate this kind of work!!

White Room

WB I wasn't slating your work, I'd say your a better tiler than myself seeing as your in this game a lot linger than me. Just wanted to clear that up.

As for the customer wanting it changed, I know how ya feel. I've to go back and fix a job the customer wanted. She wanted window cill kept in and no tiles in reveal so I tiled as she wanted. Got a msg from her son week later asking can I come back and tile the cill and reveal. They didnt know how much work is involved as they think its just a matter of putting new tiles on as is. Now I've to take off all tiles around window reveal and cill and do again. Hate this kind of work!!

Realise you were,nt slating it mate, a few have asked me why it was done that way...customers paying for it:whatchutalkingabout


WB I wasn't slating your work, I'd say your a better tiler than myself seeing as your in this game a lot linger than me. Just wanted to clear that up.

As for the customer wanting it changed, I know how ya feel. I've to go back and fix a job the customer wanted. She wanted window cill kept in and no tiles in reveal so I tiled as she wanted. Got a msg from her son week later asking can I come back and tile the cill and reveal. They didnt know how much work is involved as they think its just a matter of putting new tiles on as is. Now I've to take off all tiles around window reveal and cill and do again. Hate this kind of work!!

Customers changing their minds after the work is completed, even though you have kept them in the loop and asked their opinions on important decisions is one of the worst parts of this job I think. :mad2:
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