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I am more than a little bit miffed as i have found out that my a builder relative who has given me a fair bit of work in the past has given a job to a tiler that once worked for me to add insult to injury his client has asked me for a price to supply the tiles on the job but I know has no intention of buying the tiles from me and is just making sure he is not being topped up on his materials price, I have deleted all their numbers as I know I am going to effing freak out and say something I cant take back aaaaaahhhhhhhh!just turned green and all my clothes have ripped :mad2:


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Keep calm mate I'm one for knee-jerk reactions that backfire it seems.

The best thing long-term you could do to stick the boot in is give the tiler some work FOR you (not his own jobs like) and neither of you work for the builder. And if you can, get the customer somehow and undercut the builder.

Right thing to do though is move on I guess and call it a loss and don't help either out too soon.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I feel for you mate but don't beat yourself up over it. Sleep on it and make your mind up then. But I'd perhaps not want to work for him now and I'd not quote his customers anymore and I'd certainly not keep taking the complex stuff if I wasn't getting the bread and butter too. He'll think you'll do that forever if you do it too much.

I can understand if work aint brilliant perhaps doing the odd one and keeping it all amicable but I think time to start looking for your own domestic work to replace whatever he's sending you maybe?


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
sounds like it may have come down to a price drop?? maybe just aproach the builder gary and ask straight up why hes using him and how you can get the work back?

Posted at the same time there.

That's probably the right thing to do Gary.

Though knowing me I'd do what I said above I think.


sounds like it may have come down to a price drop?? maybe just aproach the builder gary and ask straight up why hes using him and how you can get the work back?
I dont want it Jamie! they can deal with each other, the tiler is a greedy ****** and will **** on the builder, when it all turns sour I will then tell the builder what I think then,the tiler will come unstuck as he has 2 lads that are stealing adhesive off of him and one of them has been nicking his work too so it is only a matter of time before he gets his come uppence and his on boys do him over


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Then walk away, and when you can do and get chance to, try to quote for the tiling work he's quoting for.

I guess when you say builder he's building and then you're tiling that? Is he doing bathroom refurbs and whatnot is he?

Get a plumber on your side and you go quote for them. You must be able to undercut him if he's just being project manager and making a wage out of it where there isn't one needed.

What's his actual skill mate?

Time's Ran Out

It's the state of the Industry at present - everyone cutting costs and trying to get the cheapest deal! If he knew he was good enough to work for you then he knows he'll get a decent job done at a lower cost.
When we used to employ, apart from contract work, we never got another recommend job from any tiler I employed. The customer either went direct to the tiler or they didn't come back - take your pick!
Any tiler worth his salt would be working for himself.
I've been on jobs for others where the client has asked me for my number, and they have been told they can contact me through the others. It's short sighted to take a one off job at the expense of an ongoing supply chain.


Gary, Johns right, whatever way you turn theres someone who will try and stitch you up. I now never tell anyone what jobs Im tendering for, what Im working on, or what I contracts I am about to sign. Some sneaky little **** out there, takes it upon himself to think that he can undercut me and do the work. The fact that they are family, or best mates means nothing these days, theres always someone pushing their luck. Take a deep breath, thank god that you have work, and let the two muggles come to blows on site at a later date.

And sit back and enjoy the explosion in a few weeks time.

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