Finishing off a job tomorrow but have a little problem. Customer wants a skirting around the kitchen using the same tile as the floor, as in cut strips of the tile put a trim on top and wallah. When i measured up for the job i totally forgot to measure around the room for how many more tiles would be needed (was the day after i got the crap kicked out of me resulting in a tooth stuck in my lip, so wasn't exacly with it). Phoned the customer back the next day and told her the situation to which she said np will get the extra tiles for it. Now the problem is she didn't so there isn't enough for the skirting. Phoned her today to let her know as she was out all day, phoned me back to tell me the tile shop will not have the tile until next week.
It means me going back a week on saturday to do it as i am busy as hell, should i charge her for it, if so how much?
I know i should have measeured around the room but i did ring the next day to let here know i didn't take the skirting into account so extra was needed.
It means me going back a week on saturday to do it as i am busy as hell, should i charge her for it, if so how much?
I know i should have measeured around the room but i did ring the next day to let here know i didn't take the skirting into account so extra was needed.