Discuss Colour dyeing grout with black slate tiles!! HELP! (with photos) in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Hi all,

Ive never used a trades forum before but am hoping you guys can cast an expert eye on my disaster of a bathroom.... Wont bore with details but job finished terribly, tiler goes bust and sets-up under a different name...6 leaks through ceiling to date due to his fitting aswell... we saved for years to get our bathroom done and just dont have the money to strart all over again.. so we were thinking on trying to dye the grout in order to try and make it look less of a mess?? Tiles and grout have been sealed once with a rub in product (sorry i dont remember name of it!) will I have to srip seal off grout then dye with a darker colour, was thinking dark grey or even black?? And are there any good products out there?? Sorry if info is rubbish! Any help/advice much appreciated, Kelly
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Hi, thanks for the quick reply! Your absolutely right about it being an absolute mess...Im actually pretty devastated...but not much I can do! I was thinking on maybe black grout just to make the joints less "obvious" as there all different sizes...not sure if black would be too much of a contrast though?? Im genuinely completely new to all this and unfortunately have been absolutely done over by an unscrupulous tradesman..


OMG! No wonder the guys went bust! He's got a cheek to start up again. I'm really sorry to see the mess he's left you with. It makes me sick when I see so called tradesman wrecking people's homes, ruining their dreams & wasting all their money. Not to sure on the best dying products. I'm more a rake & re-grout but I'd be too scared to do that here as it wouldn't be surprised if this is holding it all together.
Hi & welcome too btw


Thanks for the replies...honestly I am absolutely gutted! Was so looking forward to the bathroom of my dreams and have been left with an absolutely disgraceful mess!! Could weep!! But I wont.... Have trawled the net and some USA sites were saying people could paint a grout dye on?? Be hellishly tedious I suppose but I think I'll have to do something like that as other people have suggested getting the whole lot ripped out and done again!! Easy to suggest but impossible when you've got no money to do it!


Sorry to see this mess you have been left with Kelly.

I have used them myself and the results have been very successful. Do you know if the stone has been sealed before/after grouting? The colourants aren't recommended for some stones as they can stain them, but this may be your only solution. With a steady hand and correct application, your bathroom could be improved greatly. If you need any further info, please ask.

Sorry, meant to ask, do you know what sealer was used.


Thank you so much for all the comments guys...Its the only solution I can think of to try and make the best of a terrible job! At least if the grouts darker the eye might not be so immediatley drawn to the wonky tiles, excess grout etc etc....

Bri - The only seal the tiles got was when they were set on the wall and grouted! I didnt know what to do and "tradesperson" had done a runner so I just bought a clear tile seal off the net and put it on with a cloth! It was specifically for slate though I do remember. Will I have to somehow remove the seal before I can put any dye on??

I havent been able to find a picture on the net with black slate and black grout so Im hoping it will look okay. Mammoth task ahead I feel! Ha!

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Reply to Colour dyeing grout with black slate tiles!! HELP! (with photos) in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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