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It is indeed visa debit, sorry for coming across as ignorant here but i have been in a situation like this before. What action do i take from here?
Contact my bank and explain the situation and go from there or is there a set procedure i should follow?

If services you bought with your Visa Debit Card do not materialise, then you should contact the bank who has provided you with your Visa debit card within 120 days, requesting they initiate the chargeback process.

It does not mean you will automatically and immediately get your money back. It will initially become a ‘dispute’ in which the claim will be fully investigated by both banks before any money is returned.

All banks who issue Visa cards have only recently agreed to process chargeback requests, and there is still widespread confusion over what it is and how it works. Therefore if you meet a dead end in your discussions with bank staff, persist. The facility is there for you to take advantage of.

The process is called Visa Debit Chargeback, and, as the name suggests, is a procedure in which the banks will ‘charge back’ the value of the original transaction directly from the supplier’s bank, and pass this amount on to you

And unlike your credit card, which imposes a minimum spend of £100, you can claim back any amount of money.
Also: Big Shout Out to Liz - Who spotted the publication. Well done GR. I also trawled the net but went in totally the wrong direction even forgetting they were Essex and I was looking under Diamond. You did good !

Ok, ok, I'll let you into my secret. It was 2 google searches. The first one was something along the lines of "how do I find out who the administrators are" and that took me to an informative forum that told people to try the London Gazette. So I googled London Gazette and found their search page. I remembered that Diamond was just a trading style of Essex Tiling so searched for Essex Tiling and up it popped. Very easy thanks to the internet. I wonder how people would have found those details before the marvels of modern technology.
The High Court that hears the bankruptcy cases always list them in the London Gazette plus 3 other papers that are published from where the bankrupt person is known to live or trade.
All the banks have people that check the gazette daily and then cross reference the names and details with their account information.
If they find that you have an account with them then its instantly frozen.

The banks have a duty to do this because once an order of bankruptcy has been issued and somehow the person manages to withdraw loads of cash from a secret bank account then that bank has to answer to the official receiver.

Big Bro is watching.
Just for anyone reading this. Our Forum member "DiamondTiling" has no connection with the Diamond Training Group . This is to avoid any confusion over the similar names.
I spoke with the liquidators 'Thornton Rose' the other day who have informed me that Essex Tiling has no assets that can be used to refund people like me. I have requested this in writing from them as this is what my Credit Card Company are requesting. Once I pass this confirmation back to the Credit Card peeps I should get the refund.

Anyone who needs to contact them the chap in charge of the case is Imran - 0208 4189333.

I'll keep you all posted.


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