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I'm hoping someone can answer a question for me. I'm a nob when it comes to DIY.

I've recently had my shower unit replaced and retiled, which was bodged by two cowboy builders/plumbers or whatever they are (no offence meant). So I'm having to rectify it.

I'm stripping out the grout as we speak, it is currently white and I will be replacing it with black. Do I need to take all the grout out? Or just make a little channel between each tile?

Secondly they have siliconed down both vertical edges of the tiles, which is fine as we only have tiles around the shower unit. However there is about a half cm gap between the tiles and the ceiling, do I need to silicone that in or is there meant to be a gap left?

Like I said DIY nob :) If someone has the time to answer, that would be appreciated.

Many thanks,

Time's Ran Out

Mrs Price- first of all test an area to see if the black grout stains the tiles , especially through the side of the tile biscuit. You will have to remove as much of the old grout before renewing as any left in will allow the new grout to dry at different speeds and could dry patchy. The gap to the ceiling can be filled with decorators chaulk which is both flexible and paintable ( silicone is not).
Hope the Tilers Forum has been of help and good luck with the repairs.


You will have to remove as much of the old grout before renewing as any left in will allow the new grout to dry at different speeds and could dry patchy.

Thanks for the reply. I was afraid you were going to say that! I'm using one of those silly hand tools, lets just say I have a dead arm! I'll keep at it though.

Im using black tiles so I'm hoping not much staining will occur.

Any tips on how to get silicone out of a vertical corner join?

John Benton

Thanks for the reply. I was afraid you were going to say that! I'm using one of those silly hand tools, lets just say I have a dead arm! I'll keep at it though.

Im using black tiles so I'm hoping not much staining will occur.

Any tips on how to get silicone out of a vertical corner join?

A very sharp stanley knife will clean the silicon out, but watch your fingers


LOL, batteries are fully charged and in full working order ;)

I've managed to de-grout one side of the shower cubicle. But to be honest I'm pretty peed off, the thickness between the tiles is different and some don't quite align. And no I didn't do the job myself.

I need to get my floor tiled but I'm too scared to let anyone do it incase they screw it up, already had one bodge job done which I'm trying to rectify. I have to say ebony grout is bloody exspensive!


Thanks but too far away. I've got a bag now anyway. £24 BAL Micromax2 Ebony 5kg from Topps. Paid for now so will just use it.

Do you have much experience with grouting? Black grout is horrid stuff to use, make sure you mask up your shower tray and anything else that may stain. Also that grout sets very fast on the tile face so do small areas at a time.


Na I've never used the black stuff. But like you suggested I was going to do a little bit at a time, theres no major rush. Thanks I will get everything covered.

Funny though, I'm quite happy to pay someone to do the work including the floor. Have advertised the work in various places but no ones taken an interest. Hence me taking to do it.

My dads going to do the silicone for me when he comes up to finish the plastering. I just need to grout it.
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