Discuss Durr! in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



This is picking up a bit of a thread that Diamond wrote about helping diyers, and people starting out. I have noticed lately (or it must be my intolerance for idiot faces), but why do some people ask the most stupid questions?

Tonight, for instance....£15.00 for porc tiles are they any good? Durrr!!! you answered your own question you plonker.
Can I tile on chipboard? Again...you plonker!
What tile trim shall I use? OMG! One that is fit for purpose.
Bad payers...what shall I do?

All these topics have been answered over and over again, there is a search the forums box on here, all people have to do is type the subject in. Thousands of topics have been covered, its just that these idiots cant be bothered to look something up before asking the same old questions. It worries me that some of these people are 'tilers' and I use that phrase loosely.

There should be a stupid question of the month comp, in which we can vote for the winner and send them a three armed tee-shirt.


Deleted member 9966

Lynn, I participate in another forum elsewhere connected with my work and the amount of times the same questions get asked on there is unbelieveable. Most of the regulars simply point the question askers to the last known thread or sarcastically ask them to use the search facility. Just yesterday 4 different people asked about dealing with conflict/difficult people. Unfortunately it's a hazard of the internet age I think.

Maybe we could consider putting together an FAQ about Tiling section in the forum? Where all the hot topics that have been previously discussed can be located in one area for people to search?


i think people are sometimes looking for direct input/opinions to there particular issues from members as oppose to just reading what was posted on someone elses problem/question a few months ago

it does sometimes seem repetitive though i know what you mean lynn

i have referred back through posts at times for answers but every scenario is different so have ended up posting in the end


I completely agree too. But my attitude toward them depends on the day I've had, week or maybe even month.
I love my job. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than what i do. I have no issues with helping out and sharing any knowledge i do have. But i do see and completely agree with what you're paying.
I think Mr Tiler is a prime example of the sort of person we perhaps shouldn't help.
I won't sit here and slate these courses. I did one. Not worth the money we paid for it, certainly not for what you get back. But i worked alongside my father and a professional tiler for a little over 5 years before they decided to send me on it. It was only to get some form of paperwork to go along with what i was being taught. I worked another 2 years with my father and 5 years on my own and then went and did a EWPA.
Not the route many of you took. But i worked alongside a very experienced tiler and standards were taught as well as skills.

I think some people these days still think some trades are get rich quick schemes.
My partner is a hairdresser. A very very good one at that. I used to think the same with her job. Scissors, a tube of colour, bit of bleach. How hard can it be. But there's chemistry and science behind it.
The concept of spreading adhesive on a wall and pressing a tile into it is relative child's play. But that is all it will ever be if you don't have an understanding of the "bigger picture". Short courses only teach that concept, but are being sold as career and life changing packages.

I've gone on a bit of tangent i guess. Sat in the car at the moment looking after the boys whilst the misses is cutting someone's hair. So my posting has been interrupted a few times by the kids.

I don't know what the answer is. But i understand the problem completely. I think id be less willing to help if id had gone through some of the apprenticeship and training some of you guys and girls have had to do. I love this forum and its sometime just as rewarding helping a stranger on here than it is my own customers. But, i am finding the frequency of quotes dwindling slightly. More are having a go themselves.
Question how do we educate the general public without giving too much information away. And how do we prove to complete strangers that the spotty oik in B&Q actually know jack all. People trust too easily the bigger names and make judgements and decisions based on pounds and pence and not common sense. Take the recent post about £15psm polished porcelain question. That topic says it all!

Christ i don't even know what I've put in this post now. I wanted to get involved in this because quite simply Im beginning to struggle. My family is getting bigger, bills are as well. The misses and i are looking into moving further south and closer to London to 1) reduce our personal overheads. I travel Peterborough to Barnet every other weekend, twice a weekend to see my son and bring him home. 2) to try and get a better rate. People in Peterborough won't pay professional prices. There's too many people doing it miles cheaper.

I do not want to give up my trade. But if i can't get some sort of action or turn things around then im going to be one of the ones going under.

I wonder if anywhere does a weeks intensive course on becoming a banker??
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I find it unbelievable how many people no longer listen to time served advise, and decide will take advise of some ex burger flipper in B&Q or Topps etc.
My mate wants to tile his own bathroom floor with 60x60 polished porcelain, and install underfloor heating. He's a clever lad, and could no doubt do it, but we all know just how many specialised tools that would take, not to mention the time and the experience. I've siad just get me to do it as it will be a nightmare job for a DIYer, but he's adamant he's gonna do it, who needs that kind of hassle in their life eh???

Hey Ali, no worries mate, we all have our good and bad days, and the good thing is that the guys here appreciate that, and are good at chipping in with supportive advise and micky taking!
I'm a single chap, no missus or kids and i find all of my money is vapourising each month (i built a house, so thats where mine goes mainly), i really feel for anyone trying to support a family in these times, especially as the bills just keep rising.
At least being selfemployed if the work is there we can work as hard as we like, unlike employed people.
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Ali, dont be worried about having a rant....its good for the soul....like bugs said we all have good days and bad days, it seems at the moment a lot of people are having bad days. Some of us deal with crap everyday, like today I was called a 'heartless *****' I can take that on the chin most days, on other days it cuts deep. The bank of Pebbs closed today to a certain tiler who had drunk all his wages away and was looking for a sub, so Im the heartless *****, and probably told everyone on site who would listen what I am...do I look like I care?

I was sitting in a site canteen last week having a cuppa with the lads, and noticed something, and that was the demise of trained workmen whos first language is english. It seems these days that there is a lot of Eastern European labour on every job. They have one 'foreman' who speaks english, and he relays all the instructions back to the others. Is this what it has come to? the truth is yes this is what it has all come to. You have to have the english speaker translate to the others what needs to be done. We set the system up ourselves to be like this, we only have ourselves to blame, thats the cold hard fact. You grow up, you have a good work effic, learn your trade, try to to do the best for your family, and what for? Makes me wonder if its all worth it in the end.

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