i can floor screed in sand and cement. level, to falls, envelope etc etc
i can render walls using traditional screeds or free ruling, barrel ceilings, curved floors the list goes on..
to be fair, wall and floor tiling, stone work and substrate prep are seperate areas over here as a general rule of thumb but there are lots of the old school tilers on here who will have doen the lot over the years...the tiling trade in the uk is one of the few trades which is actually expanding now, which is great news because it needed it with the economy the way it is now. the the modern tiler needs to be able to push the nose of the plasterer and plumber out of their patch because if they dont, they'll do it to them as you are already witnessing.
Ed... ps i am a huge fan of the aussie style apprenticeship and what it delivers! your apprenticeships are what ours used to be like..