Discuss Forum App - Need your input in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
We have a few options for dealing with the migration from Tapatalk to the custom forum app.

So your forum have Tapatalk setup for past two years and so far you have many members using it, now you have purchased BYO, what would be the best strategy to have the members using your app?

So far we have forum owners going for one of the following scenario:

  1. Keep the forum on Tapatalk Network to benefit from new members as they discover it from Tapatalk app, especially our thru our recommendation engine and the massive directory of forums
  2. Remove the forum from Tapatalk network, while existing members who have previously added, can still access it without immediate disruption
  3. Completely prevent users from using Tapatalk app
To achieve any of the above, below are the options you can try (you can mix and match to achieve best result):

  • Starting from February 2012, the Tapatalk app supports redirection to your app in the App Store to drive download - It prompts your members the availability of your app when they access your forum from Tapatalk app. Check out the Forum Owner Area, under the Advanced section.
  • Delete your forum entry in Tapatalk Network, by login to Forum Owner Area, look for the little "Delete" icon under your forum logo on the left. By removing it from Tapatalk Network, new users will not be able to lookup your forums, however existing users who already added your forum on their device can still continue to access your forum, until they have reinstalled the app or purchased a new phone
  • Completely disable Tapatalk app user to access your forum - this little trick is to either rename the Tapatalk installation directory (i.e. the "mobiquo" folder) physically on your web server, or rename the name of the directory in Forum Owner Area, Advanced section. However, you will need to make sure the BYO Advanced Section is also updated to point to the correct directory that has the Tapatalk plugin so your BYO app can continue to access.
We hope this write up help you to identify the best way to migrate your Tapatalk users to BYO app.

What would you prefer?

Do you want us to continue allowing use via the tapatalk app, and allow download of our new too? Or would you just rather use the new app on its own?


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I really like Tapatalk Dan, if you we're to change to a new app it would have to have all the options Tapatalk currently has, it's really handy from a moderation point of view and has a really easy, simple to use set up. Don't ruin it or I'll cry!

Don't worry, it is Tapatalk still. It's a custom branded app that I'm paying £30 a month for. And have been paying for 7 for a couple of months and not had time to launch any. So the ball is rolling now, Google should approve it later, and Apple will approve it in a week or so time.

Basically we can either

- Run both still, and have a notice on Tapatalk saying to download our own app
- Run both still, but remove our forum from Tapatalk. That means anybody already with it, will still be able to use it for now, but when Tapatalk gets updated in the app store, our forum wont be in that list anymore, so you'll end up needing to use the custom one eventually
- Uninstall tapatalk, and force people to use the new one only.

Ok being thick here but why use such an app. If I ever need to log on while out at work I just open a browser up ?

Yeah that can still be done either way. But an app uses the phone's interface to browse rather than a web browser. And you get push notifications, so like when you get a PM you'll get a notice on your phone similar to when you've got a text or a missed call, or a facebook message or whatever options you set them for already.


Lost me mate, to old to want to bother:thumbsup:

When using the forum on Tapatalk, it looks like this

and to quickly jump to any other forum I'm on, click back and select one
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