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Fraudulent EICR Discussion ThreadFraudulent EICR Electrical Advice

Hi guys, I'm looking for your expert advice and thoughts on the EICR that was issued back in April 2021 for the house that we rent and live in.

When the inspection was carried out, the electrician said that it was Unsatisfactory due to 2 C2's.

They were:
1. Db1 has no RCD protection on any of the circuits to allow for faster trip out times under fault conditions.
2. Batten light fitting outside the bathroom is broken.

There were 3 C3's also.
(Not necessarily a issue)

He said that he needed to get the go ahead from the landlord to do the remedial works which was understandable.

After 2 weeks we chased the landlord through the letting agent who said that they couldn't get hold of the electrician to find out when he would do the remedial works that the landlord had agreed to.
A week or so later the letting agents sent copy of the EICR report which was Satisfactory.
The report had the 2 C2's and 3 C3's noted and stated that the work had been carried out and rectified.

This was not the case and had not been done.

A month later the electrician arranged through the letting agent to do the remedial works.

When he arrived I challenged him about the EICR and he said "Your landlord wanted a Satisfactory report and that's what he got".

So nearly 2 months after the inspection was carried out the works were done a month after the EICR issued as Satisfactory.

We queried it with the letting agent and they said "You have a Satisfactory report and we can't do anything as we're not qualified electricians."

He used his NAPIT membership number to authenticate the report and they told me that at the time the inspection was carried out his membership did not cover doing EICR's and a few months later his membership was revoked by NAPIT.
They wouldn't tell me why.
They told me they couldn't do anything about it as the landlord needed to complain as the contract was between them.

Anyway fast forward to now and we believe we have been left with a fraudulent EICR for 3 years...

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