Fuel prices!!!!!!

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Hi guys, I'm back and I'd like to share with you some of my recent experiences with my "fuel" solution to the shocking price rise.

For over a month now I have cut my fuel bills massively and have had NO nasty effects so far. I will say at this point that I am not responsible for what YOU do to YOUR own vehicle but what I choose to do to mine is my own business.
The government now allow you to use up to 2,500 litres of home made fuels before you have to pay tax, so now is the time to reep the benefits of rapeseed.

All diesel engines were produced to run on peanut oil, thanks to their designer Rudolph Diesel. They were made to run vehicles used in parts of the world where fuel was not readily available. Now peanut oil is not readily available in this country for a reasonable price so the next best thing is 100% rapeseed oil, or as you and me know it vegetable oil.

Now we've seen Top Gear where they fill the old Volvo with home made "bio" fuel but there's no need to take it that far and make things that complicated. As long as you dilute vegetable oil with regular diesel you can run your vehicle on this whithout any additives or extra's.

Personally I wouldn't advise anything more than a 50 - 50 mix and would greatly reduce this in the colder weather down to 80 - 20, the reason being the oil would obviously go solid when the temperature drops if it was too high a percentage.

You can run a vehicle on 100% oil but it means having a special system fitted (around £1500) which starts the vehicle on diesel and warms the oil to the correct temperature and then switches to oil to fuel the vehicle. Once the engine gets shut of a small amount of diesel is then run through the engine to clear any oil from the pipes/engine again. Great but pricey.

As long as you mix the oil with diesel, I'm currently running 50 - 50 you will be ok. Don't get greedy and start upping the % in favour of oil. Once a month or so just run the tank to nearly empty and drop a £10 of diesel alone in to clear the system out and hey presto.

My engine runs quieter on oil as the oil lubricates as it goes and once warmed up to temp she runs very quiet and stops sounding like a tractor. She also feels a little more urgent as well. And as an added bonus you get a lovely smell of donuts from the exhaust too.

Anyone considering running on red diesel is a fool, the police in my area have started doing roadside checks (obviously due to the fuel prices and people using it). Plus it is much more damaging to the engine of cars as well as it's specifically for agricultural vehicles.

Here's something to consider diesel is a waste product of refining petrol so why is it costing more than petrol to buy?

There are many resources online where you can check the compatability of your engine to run on oil so there should be little risk if you do your reading up first.

I'm paying around 40p a litre of oil from Asda and £1.02 for a litre of diesel which means my weekly fuel bill is now £14 as opposed £22 (based on a 20 litre fuel consumption) £8 a week!!! Almost £40 a month!!! Nearly £500 a year!!! For some of you the savings will be even higher.

Don't forget as the weather gets colder, drop back the % of oil as the temp decreases. This will avoid any solid deposits in fuel lines or pumps.

Hope this was helpful to you all. It's odd the first time you fill up with oil believe me and you shat yourself the whole time your driving, but it's working wonders for me.
Also once your into it you can then go to your local takeaway (chinese is best aparently) and ask them to supply you "used" oil. This will generally be FREE, as they have to pay considerable amounts to have specialist companies remove it for them. So technically your doing them a favour and saving them money.
Remember though this oil must be filtered. This can be done using a proper 25 micron filter (readily available) or by using good old muslin cloth. Once filtered just pour it in and hey presto your savings start going up considerably more than when you buy your own oil off the shelf.
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