Help. Adhesive coverage photos.

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Hi guys,
first post after much reading. A wealth of information exists on this forum and its very appreciated that the experts are willing to pass on their knowledge.
I live in france renovating a 1960s villa. Due to circumstances beyond my control , crooked builders, covid, remote work etc I have been very delayed but finally got the sub floor consisting of a low profile hydronic heating system in EPS boards mounted to a levelling concrete subfloor. And contracted a building company to install the large format (1200x 600) tiles using an mapei S2 adhesive. Unfortunately part way through i noticed there was insufficient (50-60%) adhesive coverage even using a back buttering technique and stopped the work and are currently in dispute with the building company who said what they have done is acceptable. I am trying to find a local independent surveyor but in the meantime am seeking photos from the EU or ISO standards ISO/TR 17870-1:2015(en) ceramic tile installation or similar to show as an example. I can buy a copy for 120 euro but if anyone has photos or a handbook showing percentage examples it would be greatly appreciated.
The disputes procedure here, like all French admin, is painful and never guaranteed to fall your way even if you are 100% correct as I have already found out in dispute with the original builders.
Any and all help especially official photos is appreciated.
Cheers .


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