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Rachel davies

hi there
I'm not a tiler but my partner is (24 years in the trade). My partner has recently just helped my parents out to tile their kitchen floor due to a cowboy tiler turning up - my partner didn't really want to do the job as he doesn't really get on with my dad !! But I mithered him to do it and he agreed to do it for my mum.

My mum and dads house is a old terrace ( built 1899 ) and they have had the kitchen wall knocked down so they could have a big kitchen come diner, the kitchen floor is concrete and the diner part is floor boards !

My partner rushed around getting the prep material (came off another job to help) and pursued in preparing the floor in the evening due to having their kitchen fitted the next day. He screed the floor and ply the floor boards. Once the kitchen had been fitted he went round to tile with the porcelain tiles 600x600 which they had picked.

As you can imagine even though the floor had been prepped it was still not level due to the age of the house, my partner explained to my dad that the floor is not completely level but he will get all the tiles level and flat, in some areas he did the old text book style and had to put some off cut tiles under the tile to lift it up as you can't pack out with too much adhesive as the floor would fail ! When rob had completed the kitchen area, he went away happy with the job he had done the dining room still not tiles but would be going back to complete. That evening my dad had his spirit level out on every tile measured under hiss its where the plinths we're going - what a nightmare ! From one end of the kitchen ( top end under units 5.5 inch bottom end 4.4 inch - 1 inch out ) plus he has had a golf ball out too and it rolls ! The floor is perfectly flat but the kitchen slops... He had a massive go at my partner and my partner decided not to carry on with the job due to the way my dad was !

He explained everything to my dad step by step what he had done and why he had done it that way but my dad thinks he knows better !

My dad has now took the tiles up and has got another tiler doing it who my dad says is s**t hot and my partner is crap at his job - 24 years in the trade and also only gets work from recommendation !

The new tiler who my dad has hired has advised.

To put matting down (even though the floor is screed and ply)
The screed has come up a bit due to the adhesive having to be taken off, the other tiler has said this was due to it not being sealed.
The other tiler has said that he will start from another point in the room but then the cuts won't be cemetrical on each side of the kitchen space.
The other tiler has advised that you shouldn't put other tiles under tiles, so has slated my partners work ! Which has just made my dad even worse with the skating of my partner.

Sorry for the long post, please can I have done advise from other tilers.

Thanks rach

Old Mod

Hey Rach,
Sounds like poor old Rob is getting a rough deal.
Exactly why do you want advice?
To vindicate Rob or to help your dad?
Sounds like your loyalties are split, understandably!
Certainly doesn't seem like your dad would welcome any advice anyway, sorry but that's how it reads to me, and I'm not sure any advice could vindicate Rob.
Your dad seems to have his mind made up, don't u think?
You might only be adding fuel to the fire!

Rachel davies

Sorry but imo the other tiler is correct you shouldn't put tiles under tiles to pack them.

The floor should of been prepared ready for tiling before starting.
The floor was prepared to a high standard where he put the tile underneath the floor was slopping and that is where the fridge would have gone.... The house was built in 1899 ! So no matter how you prep the floor it still sloops ! The old text book style !


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
You're limited with what you can do with old houses because if you levelled it so a bubble was perfect in a spirit level (and not just flat) you'd end up needing to refit the kitchen and maybe even doorframes and whatnot.

Getting the floor completely flat would be my aim, with a view to perhaps trying to take some of the slope away.

Robs right not to just pack out with adhesive and you can tile on tile but that prep doesn't sound too clever to me. There are products you can use to bring the floor up and level the thing a bit. SLC up to a wooden batten or something maybe.

Your dad isn't right though. IMO. You can't expect it to be perfectly level without needing to rebuild most of the floor and doors in the area, and you can roll a golf ball on it all day long it's not going to prove anything you don't already know.

Not sure what can actually be done.

If your dad has shunned two tilers on the same job, kinda says it all.
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