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Diamond Pool Finishers

On the day England got thrashed by Wales :thumbsup: it was funny though :lol: take a read .

BREAKING NEWS: South Wales police have asked for witnesses to come forward regarding a brutal crime against 15 English men on a recent visit to cardiff who were robbed of a Grand Slam they came to collect and also had their chariot vandalised during the visit to the capital.This heinous crime was carried out by a gang of 15 Welsh guys dressed in bright red shirts in broad day light in front of 75,439 people who gathered around to watch the attack and just stood there cheering, clapping, and singing hyms and arias as if they were encouraging the gang. A police spokesman for the South Wales Police said "This sort of attack is just sickening.... One of the victims was a young lad called Owen Farrell who was on his first trip to Wales has been traumatised by the whole shocking experience and to make matters worse his father was forced to watch the whole crime from start to finish and could not lift a finger to protect his son from the sickening and relentless battering meted out by the conspicuously dressed red shirted gang.The Police spokesman also stated " We are following a number of leads and believe this crimson shirted gang is linked to a similar attack in Twickenham a year ago " :thumbsup:

Diamond Pool Finishers

An English family are shopping in Sports Direct, 6 year old son picks up a Welsh rugby top and says to his older sis, I want to support these, sis smacks him round the ear and says go and speak to mum.......mum I want to support these, mum smacks him around the year and says don't ever say that again, go and see your d...ad.........dad i want to support these but my sis and my mum say i cant.........dad says don't you ever even touch a shirt that colour again and smacks him round the ear....the little boy sobbing, puts the shirt back........Short time later the family are driving home, dad says to his son......son I hope you have learned a valuable lesson today........son says yes dad.........dad says and what is that lesson son.........son says I've only been a Wales fan for 1 day and already I hate you English Bar- stewards ..........;-)

Diamond Pool Finishers

The teacher asked her class to write down on a piece of paper the type of work their daddies did.
The children, very excitedly, scribbled their answers.
One by one, the teacher asked each child to stand and describe the job.
There was much laughter and screaming, apart from, that is, little Tommy.
“Tommy, why do you look so sad?” asked the teacher.
Tommy slowly rose to his feet, and replied: “My Dad’s a stripper in a gay bar”.
The other children remained silent, as Tommy continued:
“Sometimes, he doesn’t come home, and my Mummy sits crying. Sometimes, he sells his body for other men’s pleasure.”
There were gasps around the classroom. The teacher acted quickly and dismissed the children, telling them to go out and play.
She then walked up to little Tommy, put her arm around his shoulders, and asked: “Is all that true, Tommy?”
“No, not at all, Miss. He really plays rugby for England, but I was too embarrassed to say”.
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