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Discuss I was just thinking about this crunch lark... in the UK Tiling Forum area at


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
... checking stats for various websites I can see that some searches related to training, products and other services are down a bit. But whether it's due to the crunch I couldn't say. And it's not down a lot.

Apparently Mr Brown say the economy is strong enough to not see a recession, although the pound is down a bit compared to the dollar - from what I can understand of it all. Though not enough to cause alarm.

I think like when we hear of a fuel "crisis" and we by more fuel than ever (filling the pockets of the fuel companies and not stinging them like we're supposed to be doing!) we'll find some of this lack of buying will be due to rumour.

Looking at facts; house prices are dropping a bit. Though they're levelling off now and in many area's they're increasing a little now. Food etc; well we've needed a kick up the arse since buying milk from abroad - our own firms and farms have started to look into deals lowering costs (or securing the current prices at the least) to ensure we get an okay deal. The main big supermarkets certainly haven't lost any revenue and even my local corner shop says he's doing ok and couldn't spot any worry if he didn't have his TV on.

I think although you may find some companies needing to cut back, it's nothing out of the ordinary.

And it's fact that when 'things' are low (imagine a scale now) they're due to become better. Like when you're ill for some time and think it can't get worse - then you find it gets better (because it's been low for a bit) - we'll find the markets that are suffering will find a few firms bumping and the others become stronger - as the population in the UK is only getting bigger by the day.

I hope that the tilers (and I often see you as my tilers - therefore worry about you - rightly or wrongly) on here may need pointing i the right direction.

BUT I URGE YOU to not follow a trend, make your own minds up, change your tactics if they're old and not working, and if they're new tactics or you're new, who are you to say how the market's doing? (no offense there).

Please keep us posted on your quotes, customers troubles, product pricing queries - use the forum to it's full potential and get something back from your time here. We're all setup now and the forum traffic just doesn't ever stop increasing (i've even stopped reporting of our record breaking stats as we just keep beating them again and again).

Keep us all posted on your troubles - it's those times that we can be of the most help. And be sure to use your contacts you find on here in every way possible.

I do think you'll find companies suffering, but I think you would 12 months ago, and you will in 12 months time too.

The government are not worried (if that's anything to go by) and they've done their research. We're a very small country and don't have a lot of play on the Global Markets due to that - but every time we take a hit on the FTSE our country doesnt change that much at all really - it's simply our attitude that needs a bit of tuning in sometimes.

Please let me know your thoughts - And I mean no offense to anybody taking 'a hit' here. If you want to PM me to see how I can help (and I bet there is something I can do for a couple of you) then please do.

If some of you can report back with positive findings related to your business then please do so, I think encouraging the others is all we need to do here.

White Room

I have a lock up on a farm and was chatting to the farmer, Who is a director in a large financial house plus a big noise in another large organization. The discusion was on the state of finances of the country and he blames the worries partialy on the media and the banks for there lending far to much money to people who really could,nt afford it. Myself, I here the media saying were going into reccession, It becomes a mind set.


Wonder if the media is to blame for all the trades laid off from the big sites?

More peeps scratching around for work now ;(

I think so tell joe soap( public) that the country is going into a recession.....then peeps panic and hold back on there spending and the house sales drop..this has a knock on effect and is passed onto the tradesmen who get laid off.......
I know it is more complex than that but the media don't help matters at all....

The media tell peeps that there is going to be a fuel strike...what happens..panic buying.....its the media all the time......
they have got not else to write lets scare the pap out of the joe public.....

MICK the Tiler

Shale oil sand oil two very underestimated and undervalued energy resources at the moment, with oil prices rising companies out there are tapping into these resources are starting to preform very well. and with estimates of 200-300 years of supply this technology will certainly put downward pressure on conventional oil prices.

Never look at things with doom and gloom. Always look for opportunity.

To be "CONTRARIAN" is to make the smartest investment indeed. :thumbsup:
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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Wonder if the media is to blame for all the trades laid off from the big sites?

More peeps scratching around for work now ;(

Probably have quite a bit to it all-in-all mate.

Just heard on the news, They are now saying a 100,000 will lose their jobs, Talk about putting the frightners on everyone:whatchutalkingabout

And now many more government funded public service staff too.

Though the lower 'it' gets the bigger the increase will be WHEN it gets better. So don't sell your tools!

Just the same with the footy especially England.
As soon as the papers lay into a player or manager then it starts a vendetta against the said person untill they are out of a job.
Im sure the Manager would be better running the line up past the Sun before he tells the team itself!

There's always one that converts it to footy! lol :hurray: G'wan Stoke!

Shale oil sand oil two very underestimated and undervalued energy resources at the moment, with oil prices rising companies out there are tapping into these resources are starting to preform very well. and with estimates of 200-300 years of supply this technology will certainly put downward pressure on conventional oil prices.

Never look at things with doom and gloom. Always look for opportunity.

To be "CONTRARIAN" is to make the smartest investment indeed. :thumbsup:

I'll add those firms to my tracker and check them out mate. Thanks for that. :)

I am just waiting for the right 'green' investment that's going to be big. So far though only governments and really rich people are managing to buy into such things (the water powered car, the islandic nitrogen fueling system etc).


Hi mate, I'm new to the forum and at this stage I'm only researching the whole tiling trade. I am interested in working for myself but am trying to find out if there is a market for tilers at the mo or if there is too many out there already. I've checked on the net and in yellow pages for tilers in my area but I wouldn't know if this was a high number or not! If you could give me any info or any advice whatsoever then it would be greatly appreciated!! Many thanks


i think that by reading you can probably judge this for yourself but for what its worth here's my opinion..

As with most things its quality not quantity. yes there are alot around and the number is growing but that doesnt mean they are all good.

at the end of the day if your'e good at what you do and you're committed then there will be work to be had.
if you're just in it for the money or your work isn't up to scratch then when jobs are limited you will be bottom of the pile.
(this applies to any industry really)

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