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Hi would check this out with visa you would of been paid back by adminastrators because you did not recieve goods you have paid in good faith for a service that you have recieved (even though its not a good one) .dont like to be the bearer of bad news but it happened to me with a flyby salesman spoke to the fraud team at visa said i did not have a leg to stand on because i had give my details to them so its like handing over cash said if i had paid by credit card would be a different story .i know its crap

Im pretty sure once you pay using a debit card and the transaction is processed you cant reverse it, you can with a credit card, but a Visa Debit card is not the same as a visa credit card, and sadly doesnt offer the same protection.

Have you got the quote in writing?

Got any pictures?

Try speaking to the company first and getting them to address the issue, in my experience wading straight in with threats of court action, cancelled payments etc will just put them on the defensive, escpecially if you dont have the particulars in writing.
Hi Guys

You may be right about the credit or debit cards but as they say there are more ways to skin a cat and the internet is a very powerful tool, especially review websites.

Going to get some photo's today and will post them.

Still waiting on a call back from this company and will wait a little while longer but I know if it was one of my clients I would have called them as soon as possible to straighted things out.

Still got to fill in the satisfaction survey thing for the social services department, so you can guess what will be going on that.

This company has just laid off most of it's workforce due to the building game being so slow, I don't think it could afford to loose the council contract too.

Tell the Social services that you are worried about the electrics, they will be around in 3 weeks. 😛rrr:
Hi Folks

Success, got a call from the company and they are coming back in January to embed the cable in the wall and ceiling, will have to fill and paint a bit but that's not a problem.

Still don't like the idea of the fan coming on when the light is switched on though and the fact that the light is quite dull with my mum being partially sighted.

Since I am going to have to fill a bit of the ceiling anyway I was wondering if we got spotligths in to brighten the bathroom would it be possible for the electrician to run the fan cable along the rest of the ceiling and through the wall to the shower switch outside the bathroom so that it just came on when the shower is switched on?

The only other option I could think of would be to disconnect the fan altogether?

As always I appreciate your input and advice

You need the fan for ventilation, its part of building regs now. I would leave the fan to do its job, unless you open the window. :thumbsup:
All new build extractors come on with the light, I've always presumed for this reason, that it cant be done with the shower, just the light, although they usually have an isolator switch to turn it off completley.

Perhaps its on with the light so it extracts smells as well as steam if you get my drift.
All new build extractors come on with the light, I've always presumed for this reason, that it cant be done with the shower, just the light, although they usually have an isolator switch to turn it off completley.

Perhaps its on with the light so it extracts smells as well as steam if you get my drift.



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