Discuss Is anyone else addicted to TF in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.

Couple months ago I deleted Facebook as its now what I refer to as slaverbook ! (Sounds best said in a Geordie accent) added to that I was not a fan of the animal **** being posted and shared, last but not least the adverts !

it would seem I have shifted my focus/addiction to TF.

Are you the same ? Checking it as soon as you awaken ? On breaks, on the bog? In bed?

What does the Mrs/Mr say ? Apparently I'm just a geek!!!
No mate, I'd never allow it! I let her read the odd post or 2 but that's it! This is my private work club, lol!
Lmao my lass just doesn't get it. When she asks who I'm writing to I now take the pee and say I'm saving another joe public from the cowboy world or something as equally as stupid !!!
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