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Diamond Pool Finishers

After five years His Barrister had some very heated discussions with him ,and told him his case against me was very weak, and my case was strong ! with good expert witness work , so after lots of bargaining between barristers , he has backed down, he did want a clause that said if the school sues him then he could bring me back into it , but we would not agree to that..... its like someone has lifted a ton of weight -off of my shoulders :thumbsup: thanks for all your support lads :thumbsup: .

Diamond Pool Finishers

great news dave.
how much has it cost you in legal fees??
just make sure you go ltd staight away unless you have already done so .
I can tell my tale of woe if anyone interested .
didnt want to talk about it when you had your thing going on.

Thanks Guys , well off the top of my head 30-40 thousand over the years,& £5500, for my barrister over last two days as we were still committed to going to court tomorrow , i still have to pay my expert witness for his prep-time, just had a few tears with -one of my daughters after she said i was a such a strong dad, if she only knew what my dog knew when we were out walking in the mountains sometimes...... lol i would like to hear your experience Jonny ,if you don't mined sharing ....


dave thats a hell of hit @ approx 40 k.
Am i right in believing you will be covering your own costs to this value and other party theirs.
most small businesses could not carry these costs even over 5 year period so credit to you as you must have a sucessfull business just to get through process.
that said at this point in time you have your life back having worried about further costs.
enjoy this evening with your wife and family .
you will get such a natural high from this experience . i dont know how to explain it but for anyone who has been on the edge of a truly devestaing scenario and come out of it ,it can be life changing,and just what one needs to progress in future.


1998 i went to clean a stone floor that i had not laid along with a young lad i had just started to employ.
Amazing house .client showed me around and what to clean before going on holiday that morning.
his son in law was in charge whilst he was away.
just as he walking out the door i noticed water dripping through the ceiling and brought this to client attention.
he asked if i could look at what might be causing it.
i could see some cracks in grout and said that during that morning i would test to see if that was the problem but was not a plumber and could not check anything else.
got my lad started cleaning the floor and went up to shower which had a a tray enclosed all sides by wall and door.I put a towel over the waste and pointed shower head at wall. closed the door and went to check on my young lad, meaning to come back upstairs in couple of minutes.
shower tray was very big and never fill in that time.
the house keeper who had just started that day was asked to watch the ceiling where the leak came from before and shout to me if water coming through.
got to the lad to see he drooped a bucket full of cleaner all over an oak floor.spent next twenty odd minutes cleaning up the mess forgetting about shower.
then heard a scream from housekeeper who not been watching the ceiling as instructed as she had gone off to do something else.
water was pouring through drawing room ceiling.
i rushed back upstairs to find water was leaking through door across bath floor and under bed of master bathroom.
water was about 8 inches higher than lip of tray .only way to turn shower off in my panic was to open the door and loads more water gushed out.
water was coming through ceiling and following along oak beams and dropping down on to white shag pile,curtains and sofas.
disaster and son in law asked me to write a letter when i got home taking resonsibility which i did and faxed that night as i saw myself partly at fault.
assumed i would be covered by insurance .
next day i called my insurance firm to make a claim and they said i had never renewed my insurance at xmas.
i remembered well that i had sent a cheque as i forgot to post at heathrow before i flew off on holiday and then posted at guatamala city.
it had never arrived along with other letters i later found out.
client claimed on his houshold insurance and then they came after me.
i think it was about 35k damage which was outragious for the damage i thought was caused.
his insurance then came after me . saw a solicitor and we fought this for 5 years.
it would go away for a while and then debt would be bought by another firm to pursue me.
during this time i was advised not to buy a house as i was sole trader.
when we were nearly at the 6 or 7 year limit after which time i could not be pursued any further another big firm bought the debt and really went for me .
i ended up settling just before court and wrote out a hundred cheques dated a month apart to pay the debt off. it took more than eight years and put me massively behind getting on house market.
so it cost me alot plus of course lawyers fees over 6 years.
plus got gastritis from stress that i still have to this day.
i went ltd after that and never sent a cheque by post to renew my insurance without checking up it arrived.
i was very upset that i had to take whole blame.
turned out the brother in law at house was a builder and he should have sorted his father in law problem out.house keeper didnt take a hit either even though she deserted her post.
i have never touched or let my guys touch anything to do with plumbing since !!!
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