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I know there is some downsides to being self employed but I would never want to go back to being employed normally.
I hardly ever turn down any jobs and will always try and fit them in cause I'll take time off on the days I get finished early or have gaps in work.
You can usually have a bit of flexibility with your jobs as to when you do them which makes it possible when someone asks you if you want the spare ticket they have for the England match tomorrow night and want to go :8:in London all day you can say yes and move your jobs about:hurray:.This is one of the reasons I like being self employed.

Why do you like being self employed?


Great thread, yep, same here, totally unemployable. Have had part time jobs, teaching, youth work, some office stuff (that one lasted 6 months:lol: ) in the very distance past, but not since my late 20's, and at 51, well, I have NO intention to change, I wouldn't last 5 minutes. I need freedom to have good and bad and long and short days, creative days and organsising days and thinking days and crazy speedy days... I want to live, not be a slave. Hey, I think that's what keeps us all young, don't you think? :)

White Room

I like the freedom of being self employed but, if I'm honest, if someone offered me the right money to tile on the books I'd rip their arm off!

Tried before Bri, the days of SC60's for tax purposes and some of the guys that were in charge were a nightmare, no idea whatsoever..probably why they were managers but some jobs have there time restraints and the pressure can still be there.

Time's Ran Out

SELF EMPLOYED - In the immortal words of Kevin Keegan - 'I just love it, I just love it' - when I get elected as Prime Minister that will be my first decision, to make everyone in the country SELF EMPLOYED!
No sick pay, no holiday money, no redundancy payments, no pensions, no sitting around doing nothing - you only get paid for what you do.
Make everyone collect their own taxes, make everyone save for illness/holidays/pensions, when there is no work, make them find their own.
Although I'am a couple of years behind the elder statesmen of the Tilers Forum, IMHO this job gets better with age.


self employed is just the best,been since 1995.
i really think i am unemployable as well,i like to work until 3 then go,just a brew in the morning and 10mins for dinner.maybe to pick my youngest up,or some xbox time(ok,its xbox time ;) )
if i don't wanna work on a monday,i just don't,if i wanna finish on friday early(dinner)i will.
self employment is ace

Ken Bruty

I love the fact that you can pretty much do what you want when you want, and if you don't earn enough, it's your own fault, nobody elses, and that you can chat to other people without feeling guilty about spending the time getting to know your customers and talking about common interests, the state of things etc, try doing that when you're working for someone else. The thing is, you can still work for other people, but when they p you off, you can tell them to p off, and you can choose who you work for or with when you want, I've spent most of my life working for other people and doing my bit, but never felt satisifed or appreciated, so would I be on anyone elses books again? No thanks. Working in co-operatives is the way forward imho, it's a much more flexible way of working without having to justify your every move. :thumbsup::thumbsup:I love being self employed :thumbsup:


I like many things so far,

Customers showing great appreciation of a job well done (always good for the ego)

The abilty to generate cash at a quicker rate than a regular salaried position

The occasional abilty to take time off without worrying what an employer will say or do

etc, etc

I always like a good moan about the cons of the job but the pros of self employment always make it worthwhile


so far i've loved it, still get a buzz when i get a job booked in or even when i get a call to go and have a look at some work. been working on my own untill recently when i decided i needed a "helper". he works hard, but at times is hard work! although i now quote everything as a two man job at my own daily rate and pay him less than half of it! and at the moment im sitting in my kitchen having a brew while he rips a bathroom out down the road down to the brick/joists. its only a small bathroom and there isn't room for two of us in there (thats how i'm justifying it anyway)


personally i love the challenge,every day iss different as is every job which makes it appealing to me
as well as the fact i get to do somethign every day that i really enjoy and dont have a boss above me making crud decisions(apart from the customer sometimes lol)

the harder you work the more money you earn.........i like this ,
lots of satisfaction from the job

downsides are when i have a quiet period which so far generally happens once a year during trades...its worrying as i have a young family but it always works out

the occasional screwball stroodlepop customer whos hellbent on making your 2 week job an absolute living hell lol

thankfully i have only had 2 or 3 of them

all in all i love it
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