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any single part flexi will do woody mate...CTF3 is only a slightly modified adhesive..where as bal single part flexi is a highly modified adhesive and can be used in more situations like tiling to floors as well as far as i know topps will be able to get bal spf but might have to order it in...I get mine from CTD is there not a branch near to you.... Ceramic Tile Distributors
If I were you I'd do all the full tiles first with your first few batches,then mark and cut all the tiles you need to,mark the tiles in sequence so you know where they go then mix up a batch and just skim the back of the cut tiles and put them in place.
If your trying to just do row after row and do all the cuts as you go along you will find the mix going off cause your taking time to mark tiles and go away and cut them.
Hi Woody, I have the same problem as you as my speed is not there yet. BAL single part flexy has a bucket time of 5 hrs, so has Ardex X7G. Plenty of time normally to use it all up. I still wasted some though on my last job as there ware parts that required holes drilling and the like and with the temprature being quite high, it went off a bit quicker.

Got a big-ish job coming up next week on a floor and will be using it for that.




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