Discuss Liverpool get the go ahead for 5.5 billion investment in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.




at the back end of last year a put a post up about liverpool possibly getting £5.5 billion!!! worth of investment on a derelict site on the mersey front well this week it was approved :thumbsup: this is a massive boost for the northwest in general not just liverpool.

there will be plenty of tiling for contractors around the country!! before this was approved Liverpool was officially the 2nd fastest growing city outside of London so this will help the region turn a very big corner...the best thing about this development is the fact it is drawing in foreign investment with over 20,000 new jobs alone to begin with...

take a look at the video ,........remember, this will benefit lots of tiling firms around the country, not just merseyside and that can only be good for the industry :thumbsup:



they should of spent just a tiny bit of it on a sound engineer, instead of recording it in a toilet cubical :lol:

where you in the toilet when they filmed it rob??? so you were the one ;0)

just for you rob, a slightly more sophisticated angle lol

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Great news there ED good to see liverpool getting some money spent instead of London ! its about time we spent money in other city's and the infrastructure of the country , London gets to much IMO ........ and we will get to come -up and watch the football on our day -off lol Hotels have swimming pools and there is four new-ones planned :hurray::hurray::hurray:

tbo, i have a lot of respect for london, its a great city. its the capital and it brings in the most revenue so i suppose its only right that they get the biggest incentives..that said, i'll take anything that brings investment into the city and puts a few smiles on people faces....

hope you get a few of those pools dave ;0) you deserve it..
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