Now that is quality. Hipe you wasnt searching for ladyboys haha
No flower, just thought I'd share your facebook profile picture ;-)
Was at a party 2 weeks ago, spotted a fit blond girl, then she spoke, and his adams apple wobbled, spent most of the evening playing musical chairs with myself trying to avoid "it", then by 3 am there were just the 5 of us left, it made a beeline for me, telling me it was saving up for 2 operations in Thailand because it was cheaper than Norway, 1st op to get boobies, 2nd op to get shot of the middle wicket. Too much info, started playing D.J on hosts i-pad to get away, then he-she-it made a play on my mate Jonas telling same story bout ops, but stroking his thigh while telling the story, he mouthed "help" at me but I was too busy crying with laughter and pretending to have problems with the i-pad and let them get on with it. The names he called me afterwards can't be printed here, don't want a ban, let's just say, for a Norwegian, his command of English swearwords was second to none.