Discuss New driving penalties in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



What do we all think then? I for one think that they need to be firmer on the drunk & drugged drivers before they tackle lesser offences. People are still getting short bans or just fined for driving whilst unfit.


John Benton

I think using a mobile phone should carry a fine of £1000 (1 thousand). My step-daughter is a forensic collision investigator, and has been to so many serious/fatal accidents where it has been proved that drivers have been using mobile phones either texting or talking. In a lot of instances it has been an innocent driver minding there own business who are badly injured or killed and the phone user walks away unscathed.

She was even hit from behind in her own car by a van driver who she was sure that she saw in her rear view mirror was on his phone. It was a case of just exchanging details as there was no injuries.

Mr Tiler

they couldn't care less about the drink drivers mate... they don't make the government any money..... I went into town a few months back. pulled up and the missus and kids went off shoppin whilst I went the other way to wilkinsons walked off the car park was no more than 2 minutes before I realised I hadn't paid for parking.... I ran back and paid the parking then put the ticket in the car and off I went... few weeks later had a letter saying I owed them 60 quid for not paying for the parking... utter discrace that stuff like that can happen really is!

John Benton

they couldn't care less about the drink drivers mate... they don't make the government any money..... I went into town a few months back. pulled up and the missus and kids went off shoppin whilst I went the other way to wilkinsons walked off the car park was no more than 2 minutes before I realised I hadn't paid for parking.... I ran back and paid the parking then put the ticket in the car and off I went... few weeks later had a letter saying I owed them 60 quid for not paying for the parking... utter discrace that stuff like that can happen really is!

Last time I checked drink driving wasn't a fixed penalty charge


I think using a mobile phone should carry a fine of £1000 (1 thousand). My step-daughter is a forensic collision investigator, and has been to so many serious/fatal accidents where it has been proved that drivers have been using mobile phones either texting or talking. In a lot of instances it has been an innocent driver minding there own business who are badly injured or killed and the phone user walks away unscathed.

She was even hit from behind in her own car by a van driver who she was sure that she saw in her rear view mirror was on his phone. It was a case of just exchanging details as there was no injuries.

Proper pet hate of mine. Every singe mobile phone comes with hands free headphones, just use them if you really need to have a phone conversation whilst driving. I like watching road wars, traffic cops and similar programmes, so many accidents caused by people who are on the phone.

John Benton

I will admit when I first started driving I did this.... on the way from work I was textin the missus to get the tea in the oven and suddenly went up the kerb on a dual carriageway and managed to avoid the lamppost by about 2ft... lesson learned lol

And here the lesson endeth.....

We would have renamed you Mr Body Bag :lol:


I think the new penalties are a good idea, but more people are killed or injured as a result of unfit drivers on our roads than any other offence.

I do get so angry at people on phones whilst driving but agree that points and a hefty fine is the way forward. 6 points would be better just as having no insurance is 6 points. People would think twice or could soon find themselves banned. Then again, the penalty for driving whilst disqualified isn't much of a deterrent either!!!!

John Benton



As can be seen from the below figures the main causes of death on the our roads, 3 of the 4 main causes are now covered by £100 FPN, when i was on police traffic patrol my crew mate and myself were very hard on drink drivers, and on a set of night duties could catch maybe one per night, catching people speeding was a daily occurrence, before the days of speed cameras, on a quiet traffic day on the M1, using an unmarked car we could catch someone speeding in excess of 100mph on each run along our patch, catching one running south and then another running north, no FPN then, if 30mph over the speed limit then a court appearance with a ban, how often do you see traffic police cars about now.

Reported Road Casualties in Great Britain, 2012
Killed 1,754 - Seriously Injured 23,039
causes Speeding - Around 400 people a year are killed in crashes in which someone exceeds the speed limit or drives too fast for the conditions.

Drink Driving - Around 280 people die a year in crashes in which someone was over the legal drink drive limit.

Seat Belt Wearing - Around 200 lives each year could be saved if everyone always wore their seat belt.

Careless Driving - More than 300 deaths a year involve someone being "careless, reckless or in a hurry", and a further 120 involve "aggressive driving".

At-work - Around one third of fatal and serious road crashes involve someone who was at work.

More than 400 people are killed in crashes involving young car drivers aged 17 to 24 years, every year, including over 150 young drivers, 90 passengers and more than 170 other road users.
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