Old thermostat to smart thermostat wiring issue Discussion ThreadOld thermostat to smart thermostat wiring issue Electrical Advice
Hi all, quite new to this forums so hopefully this is in the right place.
I have a combi boiler, please see picture of the old wiring of the thermostat and how I have wired up the new smart thermostat. Boiler still comes on but no display to the thermostat. Also I tried 4 into 1 but still no luck. If anyone could advise please?
Old thermostat to smart thermostat wiring issue for the original thread on Electricians Forums
Hi all, quite new to this forums so hopefully this is in the right place.
I have a combi boiler, please see picture of the old wiring of the thermostat and how I have wired up the new smart thermostat. Boiler still comes on but no display to the thermostat. Also I tried 4 into 1 but still no luck. If anyone could advise please?
Old thermostat to smart thermostat wiring issue for the original thread on Electricians Forums