Discuss One Of Those Days. in the Australia Tiling Forum area at TilersForums.com.


Dougs Third Go

I was stuck in the sun rendering outside of a big big "double" garage,,,,dreaming of cooler autumn and winter days on fells working my dogs. Don't get me wrong, I love sunshine and good high temps, just not working in them. But if the lotto or whatever came up so would a divorce probably, I'd be fishing in Argentina, Alaska, Norway, shooting in Hungary, Argentina and Highlands.....not a good recipe for a hubby and dad is it lol,,(I'll stick to the dreaming)

Rizzle from the Portizzle

well you have to look at it in diffrent ways there are people who work every day towing the company line but never see what they achieve on a day to day basis just do what they need to no more no less ,then we come to us the biggest credit snachers in the building trade well the builders have build the walls and so on the plubmers have done first fix then we come in after weeks of let downs and delays and we come in to all of this and turn a shell into a finished job in days the relief on the client face the job coming to the end .
and its all down to you ,so you look at what you have done in a few days .you are so lucky as every day you get to see what you have acheived that day when so many just push buttons and go home to yet do do the same the next day every day is a new day for you
take the time to stand and say thats what i did to day and i can see it and whats more my clients love it and cant thank for seeing the end of there nightmare credit snachers we are but we do it with grace and smile and can look back every day and see what we achieve
every day i would take that over money .i drove past a building i tilied over 25 years ago
the other day on the out side still looking good well when it comes to company slaves they just push buttons. every day is a new day to you some are hard some are easy but every day you think for your self .take a good look around you and count your blessing.your a slave to no man .

Dougs Third Go


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Dougs Third Go

" blue skies..........." @Doug Boardley , the rest we'll keep to ourselves!
this is the plane i did my last dive from..14,000 feet, on landing back in UK a couple of days laterI heard this plane crashed killing 16 out of the 22 on board, Dan Brobski-Chenfield being one of the survivors but with horrific multiple broken bones, prognosis was that he'd never walk again, never mind jump again, yet he overcame those injuries and along with my friend Mark Kirkby (the reason I was in california was to be his best man at his wedding) went on to form Arizona Airmoves, the all conquering champions of 4 way and 8 way relative skydive in the history of the world,,,,but yes, memories are flooding back and there will be blue skies once more for me, at least once anyway :)


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Dougs Third Go

I really am thinking of putting trowels and cutters into cold storage between september through to january, I can work my dogs 6 days a week, get paid with no hassle every day, very little overheads, don't get me wrong, the pay is crap, about £50 a day, but I'm low maintenance and i don't need to chase the coin, so why not get paid for doing your hobby? :)

Andy Allen

I like my job.....love being self employed
Its just all the other crap that comes with it......booking work in only for them to cancel on you......telling customers how many tiles to get and they take no notice.
Not moving the fridge, washing machine, cooker ect out of the kitchen when it was agreed it would be. ..
And that was just this week. ...lol


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I work a 3 day week now and have done for a couple of years.

I see it like this; we go school and do well to get a good job, which then pays for the bigger mortgage than your mates who might not have done as well, but not as big as your mates mortgage who got the PhD,and then we slave away for 45ish years in the hope we pay that mortgage off and actually have some money left over to enjoy life. And all the time managing to stay alive when the odds sometimes just seem to be stacked against the average person.

I take a good wage from the business, rent property, and work 3 days to make sure things are ticking over.

I value time right now. Sod when I'm 65ish.
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