Discuss Problem with sealed travatine floor tiles in the Best Floor Tiles area at TilersForums.com.



I need some help guys as this really ahs me stumped.

I recently installed 40sqm of travertine floor. After grouting the entire surface it was mopped a number of times with resin remover diluted in water. Once the floor had been mopped the bucket was emptied and replaced with clean water and fresh cleaner. The process was done a number of times.

Colour enhancement sealant was then applied. When wet the floor looked stunning but once dry in 1 area the surface of the tile looked dirty. This area lies between 2 windows and the constant sunlight highlighted the problem. If we cover 1 window the floor looks perfect, so we tried to remove the sealant with sealant remover, now it looks even worse.

Does any one have a past experience with removing sealant or can any one offer any alternative suggestion other than install curtains. lol

Thanks in advance



The floor was finished then cleaned and the following day grouted, the grout was allowed to dry until it was solid enough to pass a sponge over without removing the grout from the joints.

At this stage the floor was cleaned about 3 times then before we left for the day sealed.

The following morning is when we discovered the problem. I believe that when we cleaned the floor we dragged grout across the surface which is the dirty mark I spoke about. However the problem became worse when we tried to strip the sealant away to start the resealing process again in that area. We have now tried to remove the sealant twice using only fila products as per their guidelines.

I don’t want to polish the floor with a machine because we were trying to achive a natural finnish
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no, if we had some one would have be sacked.

After washing the floor for the final time the stone was allowed to dry and before we finnished for the day and the floor was sealed, I belive however that there must have been small traced of resedue on the surface of the tile which left the marks.

99% of the floor looks perfect, the light entering the corridor from both ends has shown the problem up (about 2sqm in a 40 sqm floor). However as mentioned when we tried to strip the sealant away with the fila recomended products it just made it worse.

So my question was has anyone come across the result of the stripping before and if so how was the problem solved
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