Definately sure. You must remember me saying I was a bit deaf on the course, but it's been better since the operation :lol:
I'm just talking about getting hot leads from the area's with big houses and wealthy people!! I remember mentioning it on the course - saying I feel I will come across alot of natural stone work. Living near Alderley Edge and Wilmslow where all the footballers and well to do live is what I'm really going on about. Also, Didsbury is a large student area so another hot-spot for meeting Landlords and things like that.
The en-suite I'm working on this week for another customer from ratedpeople, also has a master bathroom to be done in the new year, and he just asked me yesterday to design a bathroom and wet-room for his dad's house!!
The kind of start I was hoping for
The only downer so far is I just found out today that I lost a job I offered to do for my cousin who just bought a house in Leeds. It was a cheap price anyway, so I can honestly say I'm not that bothered!!
He's decided to go it alone and get some jack of all trades in to do the tiling. I really don't understand his logic, other than his budget won't stretch to do it to proper
standards. He said he doesn't want all squares, so I offered to do a diamond border, which he liked the idea of at the time. My mum went there yesterday and heard the Jack of all trades saying it's really hard to do and get all the tiles the same!!! I smell a rat - I've got a masterpiuma that can do exact matching 45 degree cuts all day long - so he's talking out of his rear IMHO.
Another reason I wouldn't trust that guy is because I've got to go to his mum's (my aunties other house!) to fix a shower enclosure he installed. It's all gone mouldy on the plasterboard/mosaic tiles with
cement grout, and the tiles are starting to fail to - it's just proper cowboy work yet I've heard from my Aunty he claims to know what he's doing!!
Sorry for going on a bit!!
Rant over!! Just not happy to have lost a job to a cowboy, what's going on? & It's Faaaaamily. :huh2: