This should really be a Forum for Tilers, not a place for manufacturers to plug their products but there seems to be a lot of references to S1 adhesives lately and a lot of confusion out there so here's a short version to clarify!
Firstly, S1 and S2 are defined in BS EN 12002:2002 as additional classifications for adhesives. In effect, they describe how much an adhesive will deform in order to accommodate a limited amount of movement after tile fixing. But, these are optional standards and no adhesive has to meet either classification.
In simple terms, an unclassified adhesive might or might not be as deformable and you just won’t know until you try it. If its S1 rated, it’s deformable. If its S2 rated, it’s even more deformable. However the deformability test does not take into account flexural strength as part of the test - which manufacturers more often use to promote ‘flexibility’ of the adhesive - nor does it test adhesives with elastomeric properties (such as BAL Fast Flex) which exceeds the S2 requirement by a factor of three!
We’ve been making all of these adhesives for years and therefore have no reason to push fixers towards any particular product. Some applications require greater flexural strength in the adhesive and some will require greater deformability and the two can easily be confused. If we’re asked which is best, we ask for details of the job, then say which is the right type in that case. If anyone wants to know all the technical details, just call us on 0845 600 1222.
Hope this helps to resolve your queries ...Happy fixing!