As many know i have been going through a ruff time in the business which made me go back workingas A door supervisor in Sheffield
I just want to say to all those that like me have or r thinking of throwing the trowel in or go part time that i since i decided to call it a day full time 4 jobs came up quoted all 4 got 3 and onthoer quote for monday
Moral of story is stick it out ur gud efforts will pay off
The jobs r not big ones only small ones but atleast moral is up again
I kno i will sound daft saying this but the Experienced men on here who helped me out alot advice made me realise certain mistakes i was making some major floors in my way of thinking i have tried to change them and my life seems to b on the up again for the time being
My finals words are for those who r thinking of calling it a day get your self a full time job or part time and do the tiling on weekends to keep in the circle
Rome was not built over nite took ages and alot of effort.
All the best Raja
I just want to say to all those that like me have or r thinking of throwing the trowel in or go part time that i since i decided to call it a day full time 4 jobs came up quoted all 4 got 3 and onthoer quote for monday
Moral of story is stick it out ur gud efforts will pay off
The jobs r not big ones only small ones but atleast moral is up again
I kno i will sound daft saying this but the Experienced men on here who helped me out alot advice made me realise certain mistakes i was making some major floors in my way of thinking i have tried to change them and my life seems to b on the up again for the time being
My finals words are for those who r thinking of calling it a day get your self a full time job or part time and do the tiling on weekends to keep in the circle
Rome was not built over nite took ages and alot of effort.
All the best Raja