Starting part - time

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Hi everyone

How is everyone, ive not been on here for a while.hope everyone is busy??
I did the Nett course in november and really enjoyed it and was raring to go in the tiling world.Bought all my tools and a van.
But unfortunatley ive not touched a tile since as ive been commited to my welding/fabricator job working 7 days a week (which i hate).Now the overtime as finished im looking to take this opportunity to get into tiling part time to start.
Im back to 5 days a week 8 - 4.30pm mon - fri so am going to put a ad in the local rag and hopefully get a few tiling jobs for weekends.Im doing my friends kitchen (splashback) over the weekend and my aunties bathroom next week.So by the time i get my first paid job i should be raring to go!! fingers crossed.:8:

Hi monty i also did the NETT course in november just been made redundent from my welding/fabricators job finding it hard to get work hope every thing gose well 4 you
When in november did you do your course geordie? are you full time tiler now?

Cheers fekin i'm sure i'll need it. 🙂



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