1 Using a measuring tape find the centre of the floor and mark using a pencil.
2 using that measurement mark the floor at the other end of the room (this should always be don on the longest straightest wall of the room)
3 Using a chalk line ping in the centre line between the marks.
4 Using a measuring tape find the centre of the floor length ways.
5 Using a preformed square and a chalk line ping in the cross hears.
6 Mark out a gauge rod by cutting a piece of wood to length and position the chosen tiles alongside the gauge rod.
Remember to include the chosen spacers.
Mark on the rod to indicate each
tile joint
7 Using the gauge rod check the cuts width ways and mark the floor with a pencil to indicate the position of the tiles.
8 Using the gauge rod check the cuts length ways and mark the floor with a pencil to indicate the position of the tiles.
9 Using a measuring tape measure from the cross hears to the edge of the first full
10 Transfer the measurement to the edge of the floor.
11 Transfer the measurement to the edge of the floor at the other end of the room. (You should now have a line at one end of the room that runs parallel to the centre line)
12 Using the appropriate adhesive fix the first row of tiles along the new line.
13 Cut and fix the tiles to the edges.
14 Using a measuring tape measure back two tiles.
15 Transfer the measurement to both sides of the floor.
16 Using a chalk line ping in the line.
17 Fix the next two rows of tiles up to the chalk line and cut the tiles to the sides.
18 Repeat the process to completion.