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Time's Ran Out

i think its been ok so far. propaganda machines have kicked well into place, s n p getting in the mix hopefully get rid of the tories , and no seats for ukip

You had your chance with Independance!
Couldn't imagine the mess Labour would have continued to instill on us if they'd continued.
For me it's the National Front if it wouldn't be a vote wasted and let in the Muppet.
So many 'ordinary' people have strong views but will never say anything.
If only the other Milliband had been in opposition, their may have been an alternative choice. But the economy has picked up well of late so long may it continue.

dave l and l

You had your chance with Independance!
Couldn't imagine the mess Labour would have continued to instill on us if they'd continued.
For me it's the National Front if it wouldn't be a vote wasted and let in the Muppet.
So many 'ordinary' people have strong views but will never say anything.
If only the other Milliband had been in opposition, their may have been an alternative choice. But the economy has picked up well of late so long may it continue.

It's got nothing to do with independence.. it's weird how they fought tooth and nail to keep us yet when we have a chance to be involved they want to keep us out....at least snp don't want to spend billions on trident.
Clegg Cameron and Miliband are terrible. Farage is worse. Ukip are backed by Britain first.....

Dougs Third Go



I won't get a say anyway. I don't agree with Tory policy's but live in an area that is staunchly Tory and has been for years. If I vote my concsience it's a wasted vote. That's the problem with the first past the post system.... It's not democracy but it suits those in power....

dave l and l

i think everyone in voting age should vote, if you are not happy with any of them then spoil your ballot as they get counted as not happy at any party,
i live in a labour town and has been forever, most people didnt bother voting and labour the candidate
took it as a walk in the park,
however there has been more people taking notice of the labour mp general apathy and it looks like she might be out a job come may.
If that donkey farage gets more seats then this country should be worried. If we exit the EU then there will be major problems. They are all a bunch of liars who look out for themselves. If they wanted to help the country then they would not not not have so many expenses and such a high wage. The real people who help this country, the teachers, the nurses and the armed forces are stuck on wages that in reality are hard to live on for many various reasons.

fek them all, god bless self employment.


i think everyone in voting age should vote, if you are not happy with any of them then spoil your ballot as they get counted as not happy at any party,
i live in a labour town and has been forever, most people didnt bother voting and labour the candidate
took it as a walk in the park,
however there has been more people taking notice of the labour mp general apathy and it looks like she might be out a job come may.

I'm the same, labour could have put a monkey up here & they would get elected.
I will not vote labour again after the IndyRef, this election campaign is just a rerun of that as all the Tories are doing is trying to scare people into voting.
Sick listening to it now.


ive always voted labour , influence from my father who was a miner and so was my grandad . i could'nt vote tory if my life depended on it
saying that they all pee in the same pot , useless the lot of them

I pass the bust of Kier Hardie most days on my way home, he was brought up in Cumnock.
New labour would do well to get back to his core values, look after the working man.
I'm voting SNP as I'm hoping it will shake up Westminster & get rid of those posh boys that only look after the rich.
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