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Our tiler has finished tiling in our cloakroom however the position of the door bar is bugging me and I was hoping to get some advice on whether I should pick him up on again or not.

The cloakroom door opens outwards into the hallway. The tiler has left the thin door bar (currently situated directly under the door) in place. The door bar still is connected to the carpet in the hall and then the other side is about a 5mm gap before the tiles start. We are getting the hallway covered with laminate so will be getting a new door bar however, due to where the tiler has finished the tiles, I think that when you are in the cloakroom toilet and the door is shut, you will see most of the metal door bar, as the tiler didn't lift the existing door bar, and tile up to it.

Should he have done?

Should we get him to re-tile this section?

Also, one tile near the wall had a chip in it just off the edge and the sealant would need to be a very thick line to cover it (tiler is coming back on Wed to seal). Should we expect him to replace this tile as well? We originally thought it was just grouting and would wash off!



Could you see the door bar from the cloakroom before, if it hasnt moved the view should be the same?

If your having the hall floor done in laminate then the door bar will be completley different, what sort of door bar have you got know, its hard to comment without knowing or seeing a picture, is it a wide flat one that screws through.

Can you post a photo? Have you actually been inside the cloakroom to look and see how much you can see when the door is shut?

The chipped tile should be replaced by the sound of it.


Thanks for replying. No, you can't see the existing door bar. Our doors are also quite thick so I think even a very thick door bar, if it was positioned under the door, would not be seen. We would use a quickstep metal incizo door bar between the carpet and tiles. I haven't seen it yet, but here is the link - Quick-Step Laminate: incizo<sup class="reg">®</sup> profile 5 in 1

Because of the way the door frame is and due to the door opening outwards, I think this is why there will an issue. When I pop home at lunch, I will take a picture and upload it.


We are getting the hallway covered with laminate so will be getting a new door bar however, due to where the tiler has finished the tiles, I think that when you are in the cloakroom toilet and the door is shut, you will see most of the metal door bar, as the tiler didn't lift the existing door bar, and tile up to it.

Thanks for replying. No, you can't see the existing door bar. Our doors are also quite thick so I think even a very thick door bar, if it was positioned under the door, would not be seen.

Sorry but you've lost me completley now, I thought you were concerned that the doorbar would be seen, but you say it or a thicker one cant?


Right, Im following now, so basicaly he's going to move the position of the doorbar further inside the cloak, to be honest, the best thing to do is to just phone him now, explain to him that you want the doorbar to be positioned centrally under the door and that you dont believe that it is going to be becuase where the tiles end. And that there is a chipped tile which you would like replacing.

Dont wait until tomorrow and drop it on his toes, tell him today so that he has the correct things with him tomorrow to do what you want doing, eg more tiles, addy and grout and the right tools.
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