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For the tilersforums.com Groups. (Not to be confused with the TilersForums Usergroups).
Join a Social Group to chat with those with similar interests to you. You can create a new group and gain your own members to it should you not find 'the group' you're looking for.
There are quite a few groups so please do look through them all before creating your own. Though I hope a few more groups do get created as a result of this post you're reading.
If you're into this sort of thing, you might find www.tilerstilingtiles.co.uk a cool place to spend time as that whole website is a sort of Social Network for tilers (like a Facebook / Myspace thing).
Thanks for reading.
For the tilersforums.com Groups. (Not to be confused with the TilersForums Usergroups).
Join a Social Group to chat with those with similar interests to you. You can create a new group and gain your own members to it should you not find 'the group' you're looking for.
There are quite a few groups so please do look through them all before creating your own. Though I hope a few more groups do get created as a result of this post you're reading.
If you're into this sort of thing, you might find www.tilerstilingtiles.co.uk a cool place to spend time as that whole website is a sort of Social Network for tilers (like a Facebook / Myspace thing).
Thanks for reading.