I'm about to tile the walls & floors of my bathroom. Wall tiles are 600 x 300 x 10 mm and floor tiles are 330 mm sq x 7.8mm thk. I have been positioning things (height of bath, radiator stand-out etc) on the assumption (righhtly or wrongly) that the adhesive bed will be about half the thickness of the tiles. I don't have any trowels yet but will buy whatever is suitable. The walls are a mixture of Aquapanel, plaster board & a small bit of skimmed plasterboard - the studding was a bit uneven so the boards aren't as level as they ought to be. The floor has been overboarded with 12mm ext ply. The shower (over the bath) is not a pressure shower so I thought I'd get away without needing a solid bed. Also haven't tanked for same reason. Would a 10mm square notch be OK for both jobs? I've read a few posts on this subject but still not sure which way to go....