When I lived in the UK I had my van broken into 3 times in less than a year!!!
1st time they actually pulled up at the side of my van in my clients secluded drive and completely emptied all my tools. (approx 4500)
2nd time they parked on a garden to get to & empty my van (approx 2500) I had been in the house for less than 10 mins
3rd time outside ASDA (cheapest loss 650) someone saw what was happening & called the police, they weren't interested, wouldn't even give me a crime number.
We had a problem around my area a few years ago, a local pikey was nicking quad bikes from farms, gamekeepers etc police were not really interested so a few local farmers set a trap and caught him nicking a bike, and they used a nail gun and nailed him through his hands to a barn door and left him there...he moved out of the area shortly after.
I doubt if the value of my tools would fetch more than a drink on the black market.
Its more the damage they do getting in and the time to replace!
Anything of value - wet cutter/paddle mixer - are taken off.
working on a shop in the Bluewater center staying in a nice area called Dartford lol left my van unlocked at night as i didn't have much in their and the sort of area for break ins one night ever car and van was broken into and damaged except mine also a plumber friend of mine has signs on his van Kevin's flowers never been broken into yet lol