Discuss Website help please in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com.



Hello everybody, reading all your posts for a while for advice and thought it was about time i posted one.
So mine is about advertising, mainly websites. What do you find is the best was to advertise? Word of mouth of course is free and has the best customers but after that? I'm trying to expand my business so i had a website professionally done 2 years ago but I've had no jobs from it. Is it because it doesn't look very good? REMOVED

If you have any other ideas of how to get work please let me know
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Hi guys, thanks for the help, I have just completely redone my website, get this I paid out over £1000 to have my original website done 2 years ago and it was rubbish no jobs from it. I have just done a new one using justhost and wordpress so i can manage it and its doing a lot better just need someone to seo it for me. I heard one of the best things is putting your website on a forum like this but this one wont let me do it. Why is that? I mean im a young tiler trying to make it, started up my own business, give this site a lot of traffic by being on it when i have problems and telling other tilers about it but it wont help me out by putting my website up? Ill try again but it didnt let me do it last time. My website is surreytilingservice hopefully they will let me, if you go on it u will see i only have 200 hits and most of them are mine or family, i just need some help please. Its not easy being self employed at such a young age.


Hi guys, thanks for the help, I have just completely redone my website, get this I paid out over £1000 to have my original website done 2 years ago and it was rubbish no jobs from it. I have just done a new one using justhost and wordpress so i can manage it and its doing a lot better just need someone to seo it for me. I heard one of the best things is putting your website on a forum like this but this one wont let me do it. Why is that? I mean im a young tiler trying to make it, started up my own business, give this site a lot of traffic by being on it when i have problems and telling other tilers about it but it wont help me out by putting my website up? Ill try again but it didnt let me do it last time. My website is surreytilingservice hopefully they will let me, if you go on it u will see i only have 200 hits and most of them are mine or family, i just need some help please. Its not easy being self employed at such a young age.

You just need a few more posts (20 or so I think), and you will be able to have all your contact info in your signature, like mine below. So get posting, look forward to your input.
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Reply to Website help please in the Canada Tile Advice area at TilersForums.com

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