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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I watch it.

They have managed to stop them whaling through the courts in certain areas of the seas.

They do a good job. They have a fair amount of backing money! They're independent from greenpeace I think. They named a boat after one guy. Irwin or something.

I can't believe they still hunt them and people buy their story of it being for scientific research and then go to the docks and you can buy whale meals lol

On one

Not watched this new series,but have watched previous series about stopping whaling in the Antarctic and the Faeroes Islands.
I think they do some good work highlighting these gruesome whale/dolphin hunts the only down side to it is that way that they go about it,encroaches legality and safety on the high seas.....resulting in some TV companies steering clear of wanting to film and broadcast some their activities.
But as they say.....''no such thing as bad publicity''


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I can't believe a whale is worth the live of 35 humans
the captain of the green peace ship should be arrested and charged with endangering life
No life was lost. And they'd do it again and again.

They haven't saved only 1 wale. They've saved thousands in some sense because they've stopped hunts from happening in various parts of various oceans. And they'll continue to do it too.

It's not a Greenpeace ship. They have a private investor, apparently.

What they do is questionable at times. I've seen ones where they've made air-guns that can fire bottles of stink-stuff that spoils the whale they're chopping up on the mothership. They fire it from a distance, while being sprayed with half a dozen water cannons from the Japs.

I've seen another one where they got a chopper out, and flew around the mothership taking pictures, and the whalers used a military grade weapon that distorts pilots balance and senses with the aim of making chopper pilots crash. Nearly did too.

So they're as bad as each other.

It's a war I'd fight before one that's oil-related that's for sure.
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