Discuss What the hell is wrong with that NHS in the General Off-topic Chat area at TilersForums.com.

Andy Allen

As you know I was due an operation tomorrow for a hernia, everything has been planned, got all my work up to date, planned to have 4 weeks off to recover and have jobs booked in to go back to after..... Happy days.

That was until they have just rung me to inform me that it has now been cancelled :mad:

So now I'm Sat here with no work and every week that goes by means I have to push the other jobs back.... One of which is a new build which won't wait as they have to move in...
So All in all this will probably cost me the best part of 2 to 3 k..
And other countries are jealous of are NHS.....??
to say I'm pxxx off is an understatement..

One Day

After my own similar experience (plus they bodged my operation) I would now insist that they carry out the operation at a private hospital (nuffield / bupa etc).
You can insist on that, usually by finding out which surgeon/consultant works there on an NHS basis and insisting on that surgeon/consultant.#
If you are booked into a private hospital, even as NHS, you are far less likely to face cancellations.

Andy Allen

And to top it all off took the dog for a walk and he rolled in fox poo..!!

Can this day get any worse!!

Andy Allen

4 weeks of Andy's days !!
You'll have the fittest dogs in the south.
Just think of how many jobs you'll get done around the house.
I just keep pushing mine back in;)
Mine no longer goes back in..... Hence why I have to have the opp in case it strangulats........ Or believe you me I wouldn't bother either!!
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On one

As you know I was due an operation tomorrow for a hernia, everything has been planned, got all my work up to date, planned to have 4 weeks off to recover and have jobs booked in to go back to after..... Happy days.

That was until they have just rung me to inform me that it has now been cancelled :mad:

So now I'm Sat here with no work and every week that goes by means I have to push the other jobs back.... One of which is a new build which won't wait as they have to move in...
So All in all this will probably cost me the best part of 2 to 3 k..
And other countries are jealous of are NHS.....??
to say I'm pxxx off is an understatement..
Yeah,I had that happen on two separate occasions a few years back.
But mine opp was only pushed back a couple of weeks with 2 months notice,so no harm done.


The unfortunate thing hear is you blame the nhs, but it's a much bigger issue, and this kind of thing is only going to get worse. I know it's a kick in the teeth but it really isn't the fault of the nhs staff you will encounter, my Mrs is a nurse and believe me when I say it pisses them off more than it does you. But word to the wise here people don't rely on the nhs as it is unsustainable as a whole and this kind of shortcoming and oversight will only become more frequent infortunatly


I wasn't insinuating that you were blaming an individual sorry mate didn't mean it come across like that. And you'd be surprised some times my Mrs is in a right rage about stuff like this. A good nurse is so fixated on helping people, believe me when I say they do get just as if not more pissed of about it than anyone, I didnt realise just how bad until I started seeing her it's A lot more than just a job to them. Anyway sorry again I didn't mean it sound like I was having a go because I wasn't. And as for who to blame, sadly mate, the British public as a whole, they have dragged the NHS down, and will run it into the ground. The long and short of it is simple, too many people take far more out of it than they put in. It's there to help people with healthcare, but some treat it like a hotel, some like a drug store, some like a detox, some eexpect far more than is possible, some have never made a contribution in anyway shape or form, yet still demand top notch treat and service. 999 calls because someone has a cold, or trips to the GP because they feel a bit funny, a & e for a twisted ankle ect.. cost more than people realise. So blame Muppets that abuse the NHS, not the NHS it's self

One Day

It's been planned for years. Run the NHS into the ground, get it on it's knees to the point where the only possible way to save it is to sell it off to a US insurance fund.
Public opinion will be "ok" with it by that point.
It's been slowly privatised for years so far.
All the corporate terminology which has crept in. No longer patients, you are customer, clients and service users.
Like everything else now (think about waste collection for instance) it MUST turn a profit in order to keep it's obligations to the private service providers who have been let in.


That may be true @impish , not so sure o4n the conspiracy theory myself lol, but it will become e private and I can see why. I'm no mathematician, accountant nor statition but even I can clearly see in this day and age, the numbers don't add up, like with most things, the ratio of earning to cost has changed dramatically since the NHS was set up, and the money in, co pared to money out is only going to keep sliding in 1 direction. The NHS was one of the greatest ideas and institutions of all time without a doubt, but it is unfortunately a dinosaur tring to survive in a world of robots

Andy Allen

8.30 am Get a call to say the next available date is the 18th Oct.....!!
Tell them what a complete nightmare this is turning out to be, not shouting or being rude, just explaining what it's like when your self employed.
Then 30min later get another call asking if I've ate much today, which I haven't so I get told they have managed to squeeze me in......... So here I am Sat in hospital waiting for my opp......... Hopefully!!

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