Looking for a little assistance in laying out some 610 x 406 polished limestone. The room is exactly 2.5MTRS wide, now I have the option of putting down 4 tiles (2455mm with 3mm grout and two slithers 23mm each eather side to make up the 2.5mtr, or have the 4 tiles and a 46mm slip one side (sure this will look odd), or 3 full tiles plus a 305 wide tile (half a 610) one side and a 365 wide tile the other side (lot of waste), or and this is the last option, use the 4 full tiles and build out the wall one side once the tiles are down to meet the edge of the tiles, this is not to much of a problem as it's a chalet bungalow and this is a 1mtr high eaves wall, I would probably trim back the width of the oposite tile to 295mm as this goes up the wall full height both ends of the room, this way slight reduction wont be noticed and it will allow me a little lea way if the wall is out of true. By the way I am an Engineer not a Tiler, I work to thous not inches, it will take me a long time! One more question for now, I have glued screwed & sealed 6mm backer board on to 22mm chipboard, the floor is flat and level, warm up loose coil heating cable will be laid this weekend and be covered by flexible SLC, my question is what size trowel castilation (you will probably call it something else) should I use. Thanks to anyone that reads and /or replies. If the above is not clear I can email or post a floor diagram.