The TilersForums Arms is the business advice area of the forum that is out of the view of the public. We generally share advice related to business aspects of the trade in there.
Any NEW additions to the TilersForums Arms (our pub / watering hole) will need to have 50+ posts and to prove they're an active professional wall and floor tiler.
You will need to PM one of the moderators and / or administrators who run the forum, and provide them with your full business name and address, and how long you have been trading for.
You can link us to an online directory you're subscribed to, or link us to your website, or register (for free) to our own Find a Tiler Directory or email us in a recent copy of a receipt or invoice with you business name and address on. Anything like that will do. We just need to prove you're a business and not DIY etc
We don't use these details for anything else at all, or keep them on file. We literally just need to prove you're a tradesman. Because we don't allow DIY to get access to trade prices, and you don't want customers seeing you rant about them, or suppliers to see you've been cheating on them and using their competition every weekend for the last 6 months!
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